Is Seaweed Good For Weight Loss? 4 Amazing Examples

Are you seeking an answer to the question ‘Is seaweed good for weight loss?’ The quick answer is ‘yes, seaweed is good for losing weight’ but there are some considerations to keep in mind.

First up, seaweed isn’t a silver bullet capable of weight loss magic on its own. Nor will it deliver results overnight. But you already knew that.

Seaweed can play a very important part in your weight loss journey, but there will need to be other aspects considered at the same time. You can expect to see the usual suspects here; healthy diet and exercise. You may also find that the topic of mindset is becoming more of a focal point in the weight loss discussion too.

Regardless of where you are in your weight loss journey, the topic of getting to your goal weight and maintaining it is very important. So, is seaweed good for weight loss?

Some Things You May Not Know About Seaweed

Is seaweed good for weight loss only, or are there other benefits you could enjoy too? Here are some little-known facts about seaweed that may surprise you.

Seaweed is a source of protein.

The protein content of seaweed can vary depending on the specific type of seaweed, and how it is prepared or processed. Some types of seaweed, such as Nori, Dulse, and Kelp, can be relatively high in protein, with their protein contents ranging from between 15% and 30%.

It is important to note that seaweed is not typically considered a primary source of protein in most diets. While it can be a good source of protein for Vegetarians and Vegans, supplementing protein sources with other foods such as beans, lentils, chickpeas, tofu, tempeh, seitan, nuts, seeds, and whole grains such as quinoa, oats, and wheat will help.

Seaweeds contain B Vitamins.

Sea Moss (Eucheuma Cottonii) is a good source of B vitamins, including B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), and B3 (niacin). It also contains B6 (pyridoxine) and B12 (cobalamin). 1

It is important to note that the specific types and amounts of B vitamins found in various species of seaweed can vary depending on the specific growing conditions and how it is prepared.

Seaweeds naturally produce Alginates.

Alginates are a type of dietary fiber that is derived from brown seaweed. They are commonly used as a food ingredient and as a dietary supplement. Some studies have suggested that alginates may have potential weight loss benefits, although more research is needed to confirm these effects.

One proposed mechanism by which alginates may help with weight loss is by increasing feelings of fullness and reducing appetite. Alginates can form a gel-like substance in the stomach when they come into contact with water, which may help slow down the digestion of food and make people feel more full after eating.

Alginates may also bind to some fats in the digestive tract, which may further contribute to feelings of fullness and reduce the absorption of fat into the body. 2

As polysaccharides, they are also used in the pharmaceutical and biomedical industries due to their unique properties.

One of the key properties of alginates is their ability to form gels in the presence of divalent cations, such as calcium ions. This property is used in the food industry to thicken and stabilise food products, and in the pharmaceutical industry to create sustained-release drug delivery systems.

In the biomedical field, alginates have several applications. They have been used as scaffolds for tissue engineering, as they can mimic the extracellular matrix and provide a supportive environment for cell growth and differentiation. 3

Alginates have also been used in wound dressing and drug delivery, due to their ability to absorb and release fluids, as well as their biocompatibility and biodegradability.

Additionally, alginates have been explored for use in drug delivery to the gastrointestinal tract, as they can form gels in the presence of stomach acid, allowing for the controlled release of drugs. They have also been investigated for use in drug delivery to the eye, as they can form gels in the presence of tears, allowing for sustained drug release in the eye.

Overall, alginates have several properties that make them attractive for use in the biomedical field, including their ability to form gels, their biocompatibility and biodegradability, and their ability to absorb and release fluids.

We’ll look more closely at how alginates play a part in the ‘is seaweed good for weight loss’ discussion a little later in this article.

Seaweed contains Collagen-stimulating constituents.

Did you know that seaweed has an abundance of collagen-stimulating properties by way of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and alginates?

Seaweeds are a rich source of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins such as collagen. Amino acids play a key role in the synthesis of collagen, as they are necessary for the production of new collagen fibres.

Some specific amino acids that are found in seaweeds, such as proline and hydroxyproline, are particularly important for collagen synthesis. These amino acids help to stabilise the structure of collagen and are essential for maintaining its strength and integrity.

In addition to their role in collagen synthesis, amino acids may also have other effects on collagen production. For example, some amino acids, such as arginine and lysine, have been shown to stimulate collagen synthesis in human skin cells in laboratory studies.

Some examples of consumable seaweed include:

  • Kelp
  • Kombu
  • Sea Grapes
  • Arame
  • Wakame
  • Nori
  • Dulse, and
  • Sea Moss (Irish Moss Seaweed)

To help with weight loss and a healthy diet you can put seaweed into smoothies, soups, and salads or make entire meals out of them.

What Seaweed Good for Losing Weight?

Seaweed is believed to help with weight loss in a few very interesting ways. It can:

  • Help stop the body from absorbing fats 4
  • Stimulate the production of protein through specific compounds 5
  • Support balanced health by virtue of trace mineral elements 6
  • Improve digestion for a healthier gut, and 7
  • Help protect the heart and blood vessels as natural antioxidants 8

That’s not an exhaustive list, as the benefits of seaweed for health is something that cultures around the world have been aware of for generations. Let’s take a closer look at a few of our favourite seaweeds.

is seaweed good for weight loss - seaweed monster on scales weighing himself

Example 1: Sea Moss Weight Loss Benefits

Sea Moss, known as Eucheuma Cottonii, has been studied around the world for quite a few of the benefits it naturally brings. But, is this seaweed good for helping you lose weight too?

As it turns out, the number of studies into the effects of insoluble fibres (long-chain polysaccharides) and compounds like Fucoxanthin found in Sea Moss, to name a few, support weight loss and satiety. They consistently point to positive indications that there are supporting weight loss benefits to be found.

So how does Sea Moss rank in the ‘is seaweed good for weight loss’ discussion? Let’s take a quick look at some of the supporting information.

Studies into the anti-obesity effects of this seaweed found that even with a high cholesterol and high fat diet, the addition of as little as 5% of this seaweed saw a significant reduction in body weight. A drop of 29.5% in body weight was observed here. 9

But this is not the only study where seaweed has provided results in the data to support it’s effectiveness in stimulating weight loss. When coupled with Punicic Acid (pomegranate seed oil), Fucoxanthin was able to yield as much as an average of 4.9kg weight loss in obese women over 16 weeks.10 11

Additional Sea Moss Benefits for Your Health

  • Sea Moss is a reliable source of potassium, which plays a key part in regulating the fluid levels inside your cells.
  • In lock step with potassium on the fluid level regulation front, it is also a good source of sodium. Sodium is also required to control blood volume and pressure.
  • Fighting off infections and other nasties, Sea Moss is proven to have antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties and more.

Example 2: Bladderwrack Weight Loss Benefits

Bladderwrack, known as Fucus Vesiculosus, has caught the attention of Researchers for good reason. This macroalgae has been found to help with losing weight by being another source of Fucoxanthin along with other aspects.

In addition to Fucoxanthin being an element of interest in this seaweed, there is also Fucoidan. Fucoidans as functional foods originating from this seaweed have been connected to achieving weight loss results by way of metabolic thermogenesis stimulation. 12

Then there are phlorotannins, which are found in seaweeds like Bladderwrack, that typically makeup between 0.5% and 2.5% of the concentration in a range of between 126 and 650 kDa. These concentration percentages vary more based on external factors. 13

The effect that phlorotannins have been recorded as having on weight loss is that they inhibit the production of lipase in the pancreas. This then limits the body’s ability to absorb fat with it being passed through the body in stools. These are likely to be more liquid than firm and may appear ‘fatty’.

A consideration to keep in mind with this is that some vitamins require fats to be able to be absorbed by the body. Vitamins such as A, D, E and K are more effective when there is dietary fat to support them. So, how does that research stack up in your opinion? Is seaweed good for weight loss?

Additional Bladderwrack Benefits for Your Health

  • Bladderwrack is a source of Zeaxanthin. As a carotenoid, it has been linked to improving visual function and reducing the risk of age-related eye diseases.
  • Zeaxanthin’s antioxidant properties are understood to have a direct reduction on oxidative stress through its capacity to influence glutathione levels by way of the regulation of glutathione synthesis. 14

Example 3: Sea Grapes Weight Loss Benefits

Is seaweed good for weight loss? As far as Sea Grapes go, there is some interesting data to suggest that they are quite effective.

Sea Grapes, correctly known as Caulerpa Lentillifera, are grown across most of Asia. They are like tiny bunches of grapes, only more symmetrical and slender in how they grow. The entire seaweed is edible, with grapes and stems, with the grapes being tiny pockets of seawater.

Sea Grapes are rich in amino acids, minerals, vitamins and lipids. On the weight loss front, they are also a source of Fucoxanthin, Zeaxanthin and Lutein. 15

A previously referenced study that looked at the anti-obesity effect of Sea Moss also considered the effectiveness of Sea Grapes. Researchers found that in the same conditions that subjects were exposed to with high fat and high cholesterol diets a supplementation of 5% of this seaweed saw a 39.5% reduction in body weight in 16 weeks.

Going to Great Lengths to find Seaweeds

Having travelled to many places over the years where these, and other species of seaweeds are grown, by far, the best quality and grade of Sea Grapes I have ever found typically come out of Vietnam.

On a trip in late 2018, we were welcomed into a floating village on the east side of the cliffs of Ko Chong Lat Island where the family we spent time with cultivated Sea Grapes. Our journey from Laem Sak took about 40 minutes in a canoe across Phang Nga Bay, to the north of the Andaman Sea.

As beautiful as this area was, I found that the quality of the Sea Grapes we encountered in Thailand was not anywhere as good as what I had experienced in Vietnam. When you consider the main producers of seaweed around the world, and what they specialise in, it is quite amazing. 16

Sea-Moss-Ultimate-Guide-How-to-get-The-Best-in-2020 map of the world which shows with red pins where we have been in communication with Seaweed Farmers evaluating their operations
Our Seaweed Journey so far…

Additional Sea Grapes Benefits for Your Health

  • Caulerpa Lentillifera has been proposed as being able to potentially reverse noteworthy changes in metabolic syndrome as a result of body fat mass reduction along with contributing to cardiovascular health.
  • With studies into the antipyretic properties of Caulerpa Lentillifera, there are two sides to the coin being debated about the boarder safety implications. Having reduced the rectal temperature of mice 5 hours after consumption of an aqueous solution of Caulerpa Lentillifera extracts by 1.15°C in controlled studies, the human application requires further study, yet looks hopeful. 17 18

Example 4: Wakame Weight Loss Benefits

Where does Wakame rank on the ‘Is seaweed good for weight loss’ discussion? Known as Undaria Pinnatifida, Wakame is a widely consumed seaweed that is sometimes considered to be de rigueur for special occasions like birthdays.

As a seaweed which is also a source of Fucoxanthin, Wakame has been found to support lipid metabolism and adipose cumulation. 19

A study targeting specifically white adipose tissue (WAT) reduction found that through Uncoupling Protein 1 (UPC1) by way of upregulating the expression. WAT is the same predominant fat type found in the human body which is commonly associated with belly fat. 20

UCP1 is a protein that is found in the inner mitochondria of cells, and it plays a role in energy metabolism. When activated, UCP1 “uncouples” the process of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis from the process of generating energy in the form of heat.

In other words, UCP1 allows the energy that is produced during the breakdown of nutrients to be dissipated as heat rather than being used to produce ATP.

This can lead to an increase in energy expenditure and a decrease in body weight.

Activation of UCP1 has been shown to increase energy expenditure and promote weight loss in animal models, and some studies have suggested that increasing UCP1 activity may be a potential strategy for managing obesity in humans.

However, it is important to note that more research is needed to fully understand the role of UCP1 in weight regulation and to determine the safety and effectiveness of strategies that aim to increase UCP1 activity for weight loss in humans

ATP is a molecule that serves as a major source of energy for many processes in the body. It is produced through a process called ATP synthesis, which occurs in the mitochondria of cells.

is seaweed good for weight loss - underwater seaweed

ATP synthesis involves the transfer of electrons from nutrients (such as sugars and fats) to oxygen, a process that releases energy. This energy is used to drive the synthesis of ATP from adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate (Pi).

The process of ATP synthesis can be represented by the equation ADP + Pi + energy → ATP

ATP synthesis is an important process that occurs in cells to provide energy for various cellular activities, such as muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission, and the synthesis of biomolecules. It is a complex process that involves multiple steps and involves the participation of several enzymes and other molecules.

So, you tell me, is seaweed good for weight loss?

Additional Wakame Benefits for Your Health

  • Fucoidans isolated from the sporophyll of Undaria Pinnatifida were studied for their anti-tumour potential against prostate cancer, cervical cancer, alveolar carcinoma, and hepatocellular carcinoma cells. 21

Why is Seaweed Good for Weight Loss?

The magic happens when there are higher concentrations of specific carotenoids we’ve mentioned earlier in this article; specifically Fucoxanthin. But we will get to covering more about what Fucoxanthin is soon.

If you are looking at having seaweed snacks such as toasted Nori to help with weight loss, this may not be as effective as going for the natural, unbaked or uncooked varieties that are available.

Many of the snack versions of seaweed have been made with different preservatives and salts that may not be that good for you.

Some even contain MSG, which is not going to help you lose weight, so be careful. The downside with baked or cooked varieties of seaweed is that they have been stripped of many of their nutrients.

With the right balance of nutrients in your food you will find that your body has a better chance of functioning as it should, and it will begin to purge waste (and weight) from your system.

Seaweed goes a long way to supporting the health of your digestive system, and combining this with a colon cleanse should help get things moving for you.

Honestly, Is Seaweed Good for Weight Loss?

Seaweed is a source of Iodine.

Is seaweed good for weight loss? Well, it is a great source of Iodine. Why does that matter?

Iodine is an essential nutrient that is important for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, which produces hormones that regulate metabolism. Adequate levels of iodine are necessary for the proper synthesis of thyroid hormones, which play a role in maintaining healthy metabolism and energy levels.

If you have an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), which can be caused by low levels of iodine, you may experience symptoms such as weight gain, fatigue, and dry skin. In these cases, increasing your iodine intake or taking iodine supplements may help to improve thyroid function and promote weight loss.

Seaweed is a source of Fucoxanthin.

Is seaweed good for weight loss? As many seaweeds contain Fucoxanthin, this is very good news for those who are conscious of their weight and looking for solutions.

Fucoxanthin is the component (a carotenoid) that Japanese scientists have identified as being responsible for weight loss. As a part of the digestion process, Fucoxanthin helps to block fats from being absorbed into the body.

Through a series of initial tests, model experiments have shown that including a small amount of seaweed in your diet can block as much as one third of consumed fat from being absorbed.

As much as this may sound like a miraculous discovery, your body still needs to have some fats to remain healthy. Going on a seaweed only diet to eliminate the absorption of all fats is not a good idea. Fats are not necessarily the enemy.

How does Fucoxanthin Work?

Through the stimulation of the production of UCP1, a protein responsible for increasing the burning of fat. As a carotenoid, Fucoxanthin is metabolised by digestive enzymes before it is absorbed by the body in the gastrointestinal tract.

As much as studies may indicate that consuming seaweed as a fresh, unadulterated product has less of an impact over a supplement, you need to think about a few factors.

What else does the seaweed contain that helps other processes in the body? It’s not just about the Fucoxanthin after all, this is about your overall health.

There are valid reasons why cultures around the world have been consuming fresh seaweed for generations. They haven’t been consuming processed foods, synthetic versions, or concentrated supplements that lack other required minerals and molecules to help the Fucoxanthin work it’s magic.

Take some time to consider this element in your research and learning about ‘why is seaweed good for weight loss?’ as there is more to this big picture than just the end result of simply losing weight.

Let’s Get Back to Alginates and Weight Loss

One mechanism by which alginates may aid in weight loss is by reducing the bioabsorption of minerals, particularly fat-soluble minerals such as calcium, iron, and zinc.

When alginates are consumed, they form a gel-like substance in the gastrointestinal tract. This gel can bind to minerals in the gut, reducing their absorption and leading to their excretion in the feces.

Additionally, alginates have been shown to have a number of other properties that may aid in weight loss. For example, they can absorb water and expand in the stomach, leading to a feeling of fullness and reduced appetite.

Alginates may also slow the digestion and absorption of other nutrients, such as carbohydrates and fats, which may help to regulate blood sugar levels and reduce calorie intake.

Overall, alginates may have the potential to aid in weight loss and management by reducing the bioabsorption of minerals, as well as by other mechanisms such as reducing appetite and slowing the digestion and absorption of other nutrients.

Alginates have also provided some interesting data under studies where it has been shown that they play a key role in fecal bulking and decreasing colonic transit time. Researches have identified that this may support the reduction of risk of colon cancer through preventing certain contributing factors.

However, on the ‘is seaweed good for weight loss’ front, it is important to note that more research is needed to fully understand the effects of alginates on weight loss and management.

Can I Eat Seaweed Every Day?

Seaweed can easily be consumed every day. There are some very versatile uses in different recipes where seaweed, such as Irish Sea Moss, when prepared properly, can be used as a Vegan gelatin substitute, and more!

Seaweed is great for helping your body detox and flush out waste. This can be a benefit with your goal of losing weight.

Some people believe that there are concerns about the volume of Iodine and other minerals in seaweed, but these are unlikely to present an issue to many people if consumed in moderation.

Like many things in life, too much of a good thing is not a great idea. Consuming too much chocolate is going to cause problems. The same can be said with other foods, drinks, you name it. Variety is the spice of life, so mix it up a little.

I normally have about 100g of dried Irish Sea Moss in the average week. This has been converted into a gel that I then use in a range of recipes.

Other than that, I’ll use other types of seaweed as ingredients in a range of salads and soups, but all up that would normally come to between 300g and 400g of gel each week.

Is Seaweed Good for Weight Loss FAQs

Is Seaweed Good for Belly Fat?

Seaweed can help with reducing belly fat, but it will take time and will also need to be combined with an all-round healthy diet, exercise, increased water intake and shifting your mindset.

It will not deliver results overnight. Years of choices that have resulted in the accumulation of belly fat will take time to undo. It is possible to achieve. It’s just not going to be instant.

Which Seaweed is Best for Weight Loss?

The best seaweed for weight loss in my opinion is Sea Moss (Eucheuma cottonii) with a lot of research pointing to seaweeds that contain a compound called Fucoxanthin (C42H58O6). 22

There are other seaweeds, like Sea Grapes, Bladderwrack, and Kelp that are believed to be good sources of this compound too. Along with Fucoxanthin, the presence of long-chain polysaccharides plays a big part in improving digestive health, and therefore supporting weight loss.

Is it OK to Eat Seaweed every day?

Depending on the seaweed, it is generally fine to eat seaweed every day. The benefits of seaweed for skin care, when it is a part of your diet, can be supported by a topical application.

There are specific green seaweed benefits you may find helpful on your weight loss journey through options like Sea Grapes (Caulerpa Lentillifera) whereas a functional food they may be able to help with metabolic syndrome by reversing changes. 23

How much Seaweed should I Eat Daily?

Knowing how much seaweed to have per day is really best evaluated after consideration of your specific needs. Speaking with a trusted Doctor or Dietitian is the best way to go.

When it comes to Sea Moss, I’m normally around the 2 to 4 tablespoons a day of the gel being added to any number of things I eat or drink. Sometimes I’ll make a jumbo smoothie with a cup of Sea Moss Gel in it if I feel I need to.

Is Dried Seaweed Good for You?

Dried seaweed may not be as good for you as fresh seaweed due to the preservatives used to season it or prolong it’s shelf life. That’s not to sat that all dried seaweed falls into this category. Some seaweeds, like our Sea Moss, are sundried with no chemicals or preservatives outside of what Mother Nature puts into the seaweed herself.

As you are considering if seaweed is good for losing weight the presence of some of these additives might derail you. Some of them can trigger a desire to consume more, or drink more, which is bad if you go for alcohol or sugary sodas. Focusing on how seaweed as a food in your weight loss strategy can support satiety rather than being a snack is the way to go.

Are there any Seaweed Side Effects I need to Worry About?

If you are eating seaweed to lose weight you might also need to consider various personal needs. These are best evaluated in consultation with a medical professional who can see you face to face.

Looking at the seaweed benefits and side effects might require you to ask questions that might include considerations around seafood or shellfish allergies connected to making seaweed a part of your diet. Also, if you are on medication for blood pressure or some heart conditions, the anticoagulant properties of some seaweeds might conflict.

Some people might consider the laxative effect of making seaweed a part of their strategy. This is typically a low-level risk, but your body may require time to adjust to the increase in fibre.


  1. “Marine Algae-Derived Bioactive Compounds: A New Wave of Nanodrugs?” – F. Menaa, U. Wijesinghe, G. Thiripuranathar, N. A. Althobaiti, A. E. Albalawi, B. A. Khan, B. Menaa, 26 August 2021 [PubMed] [Archive] ↩︎
  2. “Effect of Alginate on Satiation, Appetite, Gastric Function and Selected Gut Satiety Hormones in Overweight and Obesity” – S. T. Odunsi, M. I. V. Roque, M. Camilleri, A. Papathanasopoulos, M. M. Clark, L. Wodrich, M. Lempke, S. McKinzie, M. Ryks, D. Burton, A. R. Zinsmeister, 26 August 2021 [PubMed] [Archive] ↩︎
  3. “Alginate: properties and biomedical applications” – K. Y. Lee, D. J. Mooney, 1 January 2013 [PubMed] [Archive] ↩︎
  4. “Fucoxanthin: A Promising Phytochemical on Diverse Pharmacological Targets” – M. Mumu, A. Das, T. B. Emran, S. Mitra, F. Islam, A. Roy, M. Karim, R. Das, N. M. Park, D. Chandran, R. Sharma, M. U. Khandaker, A. M. Idris, B. Kim, 2 August 2022 [Frontiers In Pharmacology] [Archive] ↩︎
  5. “Seaweed-Derived Proteins and Peptides: Promising Marine Bioactives” – J. Echave, P. Otero P. Garcia-Oliveira, P. E. S. Munekata, M. Pateiro, J. M. Lorenzo, J. Simal-Gandara, M. A. Prieto, 11 January 2022 [PubMed] [Archive] ↩︎
  6. “Nutrient content of tropical edible seaweeds, Eucheuma cottonii, Caulerpa lentillifera and Sargassum polycystum [2009]” – P. Matanjun, S. Mohamed, N. M. Mustapha, K. Muhammad, 2013 [FAO] [Archive] ↩︎
  7. “Dietary polysaccharide-rich extract from Eucheuma cottonii modulates the inflammatory response and suppresses colonic injury on dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis in mice” – S. Sudirman, Y. H. Hsu, J. L. He, Z. L. Kong, October 2018 [ResearchGate] [Archive] ↩︎
  8. “Antioxidant Peptides From Protein Hydrolysate of Marine Red Algae Eucheuma cottonii: Preparation, Identification, and Cytoprotective Mechanisms on H2O2 Oxidative Damaged HUVECs” – K. L. Sun, M. Gao, Y. Z. Wang, X. R. Li, P. Wang, B. Wang, 12 April 2022 [Frontiers in Microbiology] [Archive] ↩︎
  9. “Therapeutic Potential and Nutraceutical Profiling of North Bornean Seaweeds: A Review” – M. D. Shah, B. A. V. Maran, S. R. M. Shaleh, W. H. Zuldin, C. Gnanaraj, Y. S Yong, 25 January 2022 [PubMed] [Archive] ↩︎
  10. “Bioactive Seaweeds For Food Applications – Natural Ingredients for Healthy Diets” – Y. Qin, 2018 [ScienceDirect] [Archive] ↩︎
  11. “The effects of Xanthigen in the weight management of obese premenopausal women with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and normal liver fat” – M. Abidov, Z. Ramazanov, R. Seifulla, S. Grachev, 13 October 2009 [PubMed] [Archive] ↩︎
  12. “Phycochemical Constituents and Biological Activities of Fucus spp.” – M. D. Catarino, A. M. S. Silva, S. M. Cardoso, 27 July 2018 [PubMed] [Archive] ↩︎
  13. “Effects of Phlorotannins on Organisms: Focus on the Safety, Toxicity, and Availability of Phlorotannins” – B. F. S. P. Negara, J. H. Sohn, J. S. Kim, J. S. Choi, 19 January 2021 [MDPI] [Archive] ↩︎
  14. “Carotenoids: potential allies of cardiovascular health?” – M. A. Gammone, G. Riccioni, N. D’Orazio, 6 February 2016 [PubMed] [Archive] ↩︎
  15. “Caulerpa lentillifera (Sea Grapes) Improves Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health of Rats with Diet-Induced Metabolic Syndrome” – R. du Preez, M. E. Majzoub, T. Thomas, S. K. Panchal, L. Brown, 7 December 2020 [PubMed] [Archive] ↩︎
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  17. “Antipyretic Therapy; Physiologic Rationale, Diagnostic Implications, and Clinical Consequences” – K. I. Plaisance, P. A. Mackowiak, 28 February 2000 [JAMA Network] [Archive] ↩︎
  18. “A Review on Nutrients, Phytochemicals, and Health Benefits of Green Seaweed, Caulerpa lentillifera” – N. Syakilla, R. George, F. Y. Chye, W. Pindi, S. Mantihal, N. A. Wahab, F. M. Fadzwi, P. H. Gu, P. Matanjun, 26 July 2022 [MDPI] [Archive] ↩︎
  19. “Undaria pinnatifida improves obesity-related outcomes in association with gut microbiota and metabolomics modulation in high-fat diet-fed mice” – L. Li, Y. Wang, J. Yuan, Z. Liu, C. Ye, S. Qin, 19 October 2020 [PubMed] [Archive] ↩︎
  20. “Fucoxanthin from edible seaweed, Undaria pinnatifida, shows antiobesity effect through UCP1 expression in white adipose tissues” – H. Maeda, M. Hosokawa, T. Sashima, K. Funayama, K. Miyashita, 30 March 2005 [ScienceDirect] [Archive] ↩︎
  21. “Structure and antitumour activity of fucoidan isolated from sporophyll of Korean brown seaweed Undaria pinnatifida” – A. Synytsya, W. J. Kim, S. M. Kim, R. Pohl, A. Synytsya, F. Kvasnička, J. Čopíková a, Y. I. Park, 23 November 2009 [ScienceDirect] [Archive] ↩︎
  22. “Dietary polysaccharide-rich extract from Eucheuma cottonii modulates the inflammatory response and suppresses colonic injury on dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis in mice” – S. Sudirman, Y. H. Hsu, J. L. He, Z. L. Kong, 5 October 2018 [PolsONE] [Archive] ↩︎
  23. “Caulerpa lentillifera (Sea Grapes) Improves Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health of Rats with Diet-Induced Metabolic Syndrome” – R. du Preez, M. E. Majzoub, T. Thomas, S. K. Panchal, L. Brown, 10 December 2020 [PubMed] [Archive] ↩︎

Last Updated on 2 months by D&C Editorial Team

4 thoughts on “Is Seaweed Good For Weight Loss? 4 Amazing Examples”

    • It is true, Jamie. Thanks for asking. Bladderwrack also contains Fucoxanthin which is understood to inhibit the body’s ability to absorb certain (bad) fats.

  1. Can I just eat seaweed and lose weight or do I need to do other stuff for this to work too?

    • Hi Harvey,

      Thanks for asking. You will also need to consider other things that feed into your routine. If you are eating foods and drinking things that are not so good for you (lots of sugar, animal fats, alcohol, etc.) this will have a negative impact regardless of including seaweed into your diet. Increasing your water intake will help to flush out toxins also – have a look at out Healthier Gut series for info that may be valuable here.

      Increasing your exercise will help speed things up too. So it is really all about lifestyle and not a magic cure. Although, the levels of fucoxanthin in some species of seaweed will help with weight loss as they add another string to your bow in dealing with fats in the body.

      I would not be surprised if fucoxanthin is targeted for extraction by some pharmaceutical company and turned into some kind of wonder drug for weight loss. If things got that way it will only be a band-aid approach to a deeper issue. When making seaweed a part of your diet you will find that the other minerals that come naturally with the seaweed bring their own benefits too.

      Wholefoods are the best foods. Not extracted vitamins or minerals; you don’t see plants growing vitamin C capsules, do you?

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About the Author

Christine has long been on the path to optimal health. With a history of weight loss coaching she is driven by a passion for nutrition, health and wellness. Having grown up in Africa before migrating to New Zealand, and then Australia, she has seen very strong contrasts in quality of life and is driven to help others understand the importance of taking a holistic approach to life.

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