Fulvic Acid; Shilajit is Packed with it And More!

What the heck is Fulvic Acid? And where do you get it from? When it comes to this acid, Shilajit has long been a source that has been trusted by many for generations.

Firmly rooted in Ayurvedic Medicine, this acid could be something that holds the key to solving a range of medical issues.

Fulvic Acid Shilajit Power!

However this is not the only type of beneficial acid found in the black resin. Along with Humic Acid, there are also Uronic Acids, amino acids, peptides, and lipids along with other metabolites that are plant-based and more.

So, let’s get to know a little bit more about this acid, and some of the other acids found in Shilajit resin that are of particular interest.

Fulvic Acid

This is a substance found in very low quantities in specific conditions. Plant matter broken down by micro-organisms in soil with suitable oxygen levels will produce this acid. 1

It is used by the body for cellular metabolism along with other core functions. The low molecular weight of this acid makes it easy for your digestive tract to absorb.

This easy absorption process means this acid can enter your body within a few hours of consuming it. The majority of health benefits that come from consuming Shilajit are due to its high content.

Something that has been slowly fading away in our food source, Fulvic Acid, in the form of Shilajit, has long been relied upon in Ayurvedic Medicine. As a precious gift from Nature, there is little wonder that it has not been able to be effectively synthesised to date. 2

This acid is believed to be a much more important ingredient than Humic Acid when it comes to activating the benefits of Shilajit. However, the combination of the two is the key that leads to more health benefits.

Humic Acid

Humic Acid is produced in the same manner as Fulvic, through the breakdown of plant matter by micro-organisms.

It is a substance that helps plants grow through increased efficiency when taking in water and nutrients. High Humic Acid levels in soil have the potential to increase plant yield and growth.

Although Humic Acid is generally used for plants, it can be consumed by humans. There have been some studies that show consuming Humic Acids can be good for human health. As with all good things, however, too much Humic Acid can be toxic to humans.

Thankfully, Shilajit does not contain too much Humic Acid and is not to be considered toxic.


What does Fulvic Acid do for your Body?

This acid has various potential pharmacological properties and has been proposed as an alternative treatment to antibiotics in humans or as an animal feed additive in animal production.

It has been studied for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiviral, and anti-tumor effects, among others. It has also been found to be safe in human clinical toxicity assessment studies at a daily dosage of 1.8 g and has a high safety profile with no observed adverse effects in animal studies. 3

However, further studies are needed to fully understand its potential benefits for the human body.

What are the Side Effects of Fulvic Acid?

Based on the data extracted from a study into the toxicological assessment of this acid, the side effects of it appear to be minimal and rare. In the studies conducted, no adverse effects were detected in animals or humans who were administered high doses.

However, as with any supplement or medication, some people may experience mild side effects such as gastrointestinal discomfort or headaches. Overall, research suggests that it is safe for consumption.

Is Fulvic Acid Safe for Humans?

This acid has been shown to have higher safety and is largely non-toxic and non-teratogenic when administered orally. Studies have shown no evidence of adverse effects or toxicity in rats or mice when administered with high doses of it for 60-183 days. Moreover, a human clinical toxicity assessment study indicated that it is safe in humans at a daily dosage of 1.8g.

What does Fulvic Acid do to the Skin?

There is limited research on the effects of this acid on the skin. However, some studies suggest that it may have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that could potentially benefit the skin. Topical application of this acid has been shown to improve wound healing and may also have some antimicrobial effects. However, more research is needed to fully understand its effects on the skin.


Fulvic acid is a substance found in very low quantities in specific conditions. It is used by the body for cellular metabolism and other core functions, and the low molecular weight of this acid makes it easy for the digestive tract to absorb.

Shilajit, a black resin, is a rich source of this acid and other beneficial acids like humic acids, uronic acids, amino acids, peptides, and lipids.

While the health benefits of this acid are still being studied, it has been shown to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiviral, and anti-tumor effects. It has also been found to be safe for consumption at low dosages, under guidance from a suitably qualified professional, but more research is needed to fully understand its potential benefits for the human body.


  1. “Clinical evaluation of spermatogenic activity of processed Shilajit in oligospermia” – T. K. Biswas, S. Pandit, S. Mondal, S. K. Biswas, U. Jana, T. Ghosh, P. C. Tripathi, P. K. Debnath, R. G. Auddy, B. Auddy, February 2010 [PubMed] [Archive] ↩︎
  2. “The little known miracle of life: Fulvic Acid” – E. Chamerlik, 6 November 2019 [NEXUS] [Archive] ↩︎
  3. “A Comprehensive Toxicological Assessment of Fulvic Acid” – C. Dai, X. Xiao, Y. Yuan, G. Sharma, S. Tang, 16 December 2020 [PubMed] [Archive] ↩︎

Medically Reviewed by

Dr. Ter-Er Kusu-Orkar MBCHB MRes (Dis) MRCS (RCSEd)
Dr. Ter-Er Kusu-Orkar

Last Updated on 5 months by D&C Editorial Team


About the Author

Matthew has been on an active journey towards living a healthy life from a young age. Influenced by his Grandmother, a practicing Naturopath who served her community from the 1940's to the 1980's, his views on living holistically were shaped from a young age. Growing up in different parts of Australia, his connection with the Ocean and a passion for sustainability comes through in everything he does and shares.

"I'm not a Doctor, and I don't play one on the Internet." - me

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