How Do I Juice Fast? The A-Z Guide On Juice Fasting

You can juice fast by putting fruit and vegetables into a juicer and use the resulting liquid as a nutrient enhancer and meal alternative to solid foods.

Juice fasting is a great way to cleanse your body and can be used in a number of ways to suit your needs. While the term “fasting” generally means only consuming certain foods, juicing does not have to be your sole method of consumption.

For example, you could use juicing to replace a meal or as an additional meal to boost the number of nutrients you are consuming.

That being said, we will focus on consuming only juices in this article. We will answer questions such as how do I juice fast? What are the benefits of fasting? What do I need to be wary of while juice fasting?

And as a bonus, we will show you an example of a juice you can create yourself!


So how do I Juice Fast?

The first thing to do when beginning your juice fast is to ensure you have quality ingredients for your juices. As these will be your only source of energy, it is vital to ensure you are using quality ingredients to get the most possible nutrition into your body.

As for the length of the fast, it can be anywhere from a few days to months at a time. If it is your first time completing a juice fast, it would be best to try for a few days and re-assess how your body is adapting to the new diet.

You want your juices to be a variety of colors as you make and consume them. It is important to change up your juices to ensure you are getting enough minerals for your body to function.

An example might be consuming a red juice that contains beets for one meal then following up with a green juice that contains kale.

It is important to change up your juices to ensure you are getting enough minerals for your body to function!

When juice fasting, you will be consuming a large amount of liquids. The recommended amount daily to consume is anywhere from two liters to four liters depending on how hungry you feel.

It is also recommended that out of your daily consumption that you include somewhere between one to two liters of a green juice, as these juices contain the most benefit.

While juicing fasting, it is best to try and keep away from physically strenuous tasks and stressful environments. Especially as your body begins to adapt to the diet change. Overdoing physical work or stressing yourself out can lead to really negative effects.

We will touch more on the negative of overworking yourself further on. The best thing you can do is the opposite! Ensure that you are receiving plenty or rest and adding relaxing time to your routine to truly get the benefit of juice fasting.

If you suffer any major negative side effects (as discussed further on) you should stop, return to a normal diet and check in with your doctor or health professional.

Well, what are the benefits?

There is a multitude of benefits to juice fasting, ranging from:

  • Providing you with a boost to your energy levels

Normally within the first two to three days, you will begin to feel a boost in your energy levels. The nutrients are broken down from the fiber in the fruit and vegetables allowing them to be quickly absorbed into your body.

Most people report a lift in their energy levels within half an hour of consuming a juice.

  • Giving your digestive system a chance to rest and repair

A juice cleanse is a great way to help reset your gut microbiome. By drinking only juices containing raw fruit and vegetables, you will be greatly reducing the amount of stress on your gut.

This gives your body the time to heal and recharge due to the gut not having to work as hard as it would to process solid foods.

  • Can enhance healthy weight loss

Due to the mix of quality food and deficit of calories, weight loss can be sustainably achieved. While you are receiving all the nutrients you need through your juices, you will generally not over-consume calories while juice fasting, as a majority of juices are not high in calorie count.

  • Aids in stopping dehydration

Depending on where you source your data, somewhere between 50% and 75% of the population is consuming less than the recommended daily 2 liters of water a day.

Drinking adequate fluids such as juices, tea and especially water helps to assist the body and the mind in functioning more efficiently. Drinking water throughout the day is vital on your juice fast to help keep everything moving.

  • Significantly reduces inflammation

Studies are showing that juice cleanses followed up with a plant-based diet can help to greatly reduce the inflammation levels in your body. Items such as meat, dairy, processed foods, and alcohol all increase your level of toxicity within your body.

Your body responds to an increase in toxins with inflammation. By cleaning up your consumption habits you can cut out those unwanted toxins and reduce inflammation.

  • Useful in helping to change your diet

Juice cleanses can be used as a gateway diet to assist in changing your diet. You can use juice fasting as a way to remove toxicity within the body.

While changing, you can also cut out unhealthy addictions to things such as processed foods, saturated fats, and empty refined carbs such as white bread or pasta. You complete the change to a healthier replace these foods with more fruit and vegetables.

Is there anything I need to be wary of while juice fasting?

There are some side effects from juice fasting that can cause minor issues such as:

  • A feeling of fatigue
  • Dizzy spells
  • Either constipation or diarrhea

These symptoms will generally pass on their own as your body adjusts to the change in diet.

If you suffer from the below however, stop the fast and check in with your doctor:

  • If you are vomiting
  • You begin to feel extreme dizziness or have very frequent dizzy spells
  • If you have severe diarrhea
  • You begin to experience fainting
  • If your blood pressure becomes low

You will also need to be wary of the other things happening in your life. As discussed previously, you will need to ensure while you are juice fasting that you are not doing physically strenuous tasks.

A normal workout may be suitable if you are able to handle it, but ease your way into exercise and feel how your body adapts with the change in diet.

It is also vital to ensure that you are getting enough sleep each night and including rest within your daily schedule to avoid stressing yourself. Since you are fasting, you will be limiting your intake of energy.

This means adding additional stress to your life will consume more energy. In turn, this may lead to you suffering some of the above mentioned side effects.


Lastly, ensure you are using a wide variety of different fruits and vegetables. There is no point in just consuming one or two different juices because you “enjoy the flavor”.

Doing this will limit which minerals and nutrients you will be absorbing. Due to the low levels of calories in juices, it is very important that you consume as many different minerals and nutrients as possible to keep your body running smoothly.

Did someone say bonus recipes?

We certainly did! Below is a taste of our top 5 juice recipes. The others are listed in depth in one of our other articles you can find on our ‘Recipes’ section in the menu.


  1. 1 Carrot
  2. 1 Green Apple
  3. 1 Yellow Apple
  4. 1 Red Apple
  5. 1 Beetroot
  6. 1 Lemon
  • Carrots are useful in aiding in lowering cholesterol levels.
  • Apples are great for strengthening bones and slowing down the aging process.
  • Beetroot is known to help to reduce blood pressure, which relates to a healthy heart and assists in strengthening bones.
  • Lemons or any citrus juice for that matter helps help to clean the liver and promotes gallbladder function. This, in turn, assists in stimulating the digestive system.

Do you have any nutrient-packed juice recipes? Share them in the comments below so others can receive the same benefits as you!

Last Updated on 12 months by D&C Editorial Team

About the Author

Luke has a background in bodybuilding and martial arts. His fitness focus drove his interest in health. After learning about what a plant based diet can offer he began to transition from a carnivorous diet to one that comprised of more plants and wholefoods. A devotee of clean drinking water, and clean eating, Luke is on a life long path to fulfillment and understanding.

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