How To Use Fasting To Break Addiction

There is a way to use fasting to assist you in breaking your addictions. Whether your addictions are a physical or mental addiction, fasting can be used to help break the addiction cycle and set you on a different path.

Addiction is a serious illness where we become unable to control our impulses. This can relate to certain substances, actions or media. Not all addictions are bad however, an example could include an addiction to exercising.

As long as you don’t over do it of course! Some examples of negative addiction could include:

  • Substances such as unhealthy foods, illicit substances, or alcohol
  • Actions such as poor sleep cycles, physical fighting, or sexual intercourse
  • Media such as video gaming, phone use, or watching TV

While the above are negative, some may view controlled use of the above as being ‘OK’ depending on their personal circumstances. Watching your favorite TV show a few times a week may not be a big issue to some. While some may see drinking a glass of wine every night as being acceptable.

It does come down to your personal view of your life, and your values systems. I don’t see an issue with a glass of alcohol after dinner at night.

But I can see that using my phone excessively is negative as it distracts me from doing something more productive with my time.

How Do I Identify My Addictions?

If you have come across this article, it is a fair assumption to say that you feel there is something in your life that you have lost control of. It may be an addiction to sugary foods, an alcohol addiction, or perhaps even a video game addiction. 1

Perhaps you are not sure exactly what your addiction is. The easiest way to figure that out is to sit and reflect on your life. Do you feel there are times in your life when you are not in control?

That your consciousness leaves and your body gives into a vices?

Maybe it’s mindlessly reaching for your phone when you don’t have any other entertainment in front of you.

Or perhaps it is unconsciously putting a block of chocolate in your basket while doing the groceries.

Using Fasting To Break Addictions

Fasting is a great way to ‘clean house’ and it can be the basis for changing a range of habits for many. When I commit to undertake a fasting regime I find it easier to make other changes in my life at the same time. The tough thing is sticking to these changes.

To stick to the changes you choose to make you will need a strong reason, or ‘why’ as your motivator. Want to be fitter? Then choosing to exercise a little while cutting out certain foods can be a winning combination.

Adding a few smaller changes as you go along will make it easier to stick to these changes.

For example, if you are planning to lose weight through following a Keto Diet you may have an end goal to introduce more vegetables and cut back on your meat consumption.

By changing the meals you have over a few weeks, bit by bit you will be able to look back and see that not only have you dropped enough weight to be proud of your efforts, but you have changed what you eat also.

I know this can sound like it’s an ‘easy for you to say’ kind of thing, but I’m human too, and I can give in at times when it isn’t the best thing for me.

Fasting to break addiction is something I find easy to follow, and there are a range of steps that I take to get to my end goal. It’s not just about changing what I eat; it’s about changing how I think about and respond to the motivators around me.

Tips on How to Break Addiction Through Fasting

  • Use the change through fasting as your catalyst
  • Get a clear idea of what the result is that you want
  • Get an even clearer understanding of ‘why’ you want that result
  • Set yourself an achievable time frame
  • Plan where you will need to be to reach the halfway point
  • Plan what it will take to make it to the halfway point
  • Use the half way targets to figure out your 1/4 and 3/4 targets
  • Break these down into daily targets
  • Find yourself a running buddy (someone to keep you on track and accountable)
  • Reward yourself each day for staying on track – but make sure the reward supports your end goal

What Types of Fasting Do I Prefer?

I’m more a fan of intermittent fasting. I find that this is easier for me to apply in my day to day life. And, it works very much for me like it does for many others in that it helps me to maintain higher energy levels and mental clarity for longer periods.

If I break my routine of intermittent fasting I find that it can pull my productivity and energy levels down. This can take me 5 to 8 days to completely recover from when I do take steps to get back in the swing of things.

What’s Next?

This article is a bit of a sneak peek at something coming up that I’m going to offer to our subscribers; a full outline on how I go about helping other to break habits and addictions through fasting.

If you would like to be notified when you can get you copy of my road map on fasting to break addiction, join Detox & Cure through the subscribe option on the side (for desktop) or bottom (for mobile) of this page and I’ll send you a free copy as soon as the publish button is hit.


  1. “Video Game Addiction Symptoms and Treatment” – M. Watkins, Last checked 6 March 2024 [American Addiction Centers] [Archive] ↩︎

Last Updated on 4 months by D&C Editorial Team

About the Author

Luke has a background in bodybuilding and martial arts. His fitness focus drove his interest in health. After learning about what a plant based diet can offer he began to transition from a carnivorous diet to one that comprised of more plants and wholefoods. A devotee of clean drinking water, and clean eating, Luke is on a life long path to fulfillment and understanding.

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