7 Tips To Improve Gut Health To Lose Weight; The Ultimate Guide

The human body is a complex machine, finely tuned and delicately balanced. A significant component of this balance is our gut health, which plays a crucial role in our overall well-being, including our weight. As we take a closer look at the seven tips to improve gut health to lose weight, it will pay to have a background understanding of the issue to underpin the importance of those tips.

In recent years, researchers have unveiled the profound impact that our gut health can have on our weight loss journey. Therefore, if you’re keen to shed those extra pounds, it might be time to shift your focus to improving your gut health.

I would encourage you to look past the quick fix in the best supplements for gut health and weight loss and find out how to improve gut health naturally. The best foods for gut health and weight loss are uncovered here. So come with us as we dive deeper into how to improve gut health to lose weight.

Foods for Gut Health

First and foremost, maintaining a diet rich in a variety of nutritious foods is not only essential to improve gut health to lose weight, but it is also a requirement for fostering a healthy gut.

Studies show that a balanced diet helps promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, leading to better digestive health and potentially aiding in weight loss. 1 2

Foods that support gut health include probiotics and fermented foods like kimchi, kefir, and sauerkraut, which are known to boost the beneficial bacteria in the gut, and mineral-dense foods like Sea Moss and Shilajit. We’ll take a closer look at these foods a little later.

The Importance of Fibre-Rich Foods

Dietary fibre is one of the most effective tools to improve gut health to lose weight. It does this by helping to nurture a healthy gut. The function it serves is that it acts as a fuel source for beneficial gut bacteria, helping them to flourish.

Foods high in prebiotic fibre and whole grains are great for enhancing gut health. They encourage beneficial bacteria to multiply in the gut, creating a balanced gut microbiome.

Foods to Improve Gut Health to Lose Weight

Adding gut-healthy foods to your diet can be easier than you think. For instance, Sea Moss, a type of algae, is an excellent prebiotic source of good gut food.

Long-chain polysaccharides, particularly insoluble fibres, are essential for a healthy gut microbiome. They act as prebiotics, providing nourishment for beneficial gut bacteria and promoting their growth. 3

Sea Moss is a potent natural source of these beneficial polysaccharides and minerals. Its dense nutritional profile can supply your gut flora with the necessary fuel for optimal function.

Regular intake of Sea Moss can improve gut health to lose weight, as a flourishing microbiome can enhance digestion, reduce inflammation, and contribute to better weight management by improving nutrient absorption and promoting feelings of fullness.

Moreover, incorporating Shilajit, a natural substance found in mountainous regions, can help replenish essential minerals in the body, supporting overall gut health.

improve gut health to lose weight - shilajit
Improve gut health to lose weight with Shilajit playing a key role

Minerals play a pivotal role in maintaining a healthy gut microbiome. They act as catalysts for many biological reactions, supporting enzyme function and helping balance the pH level, fostering a conducive environment for beneficial bacteria. 4

Shilajit is a rich natural source of essential minerals, known for its revitalising properties. Its unique composition can help replenish nutrient deficiencies, thereby promoting gut health.

Incorporating Shilajit into your wellness routine can be a powerful way to improve gut health to lose weight, as a balanced microbiome can optimise metabolism and support healthy weight management.

The Role of Healthy Fats

Consuming healthy fats is also crucial to improve gut health to lose weight. But this needs to be done in moderation. Remember, calories in minus calories out, done the right way, will create a calorie deficit. This is also key to dropping those extra pounds.

Healthy fats play a significant role in the absorption of nutrients, and certain types of fats can aid in reducing gut inflammation, thus supporting a healthy gut microbiome.

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are considered excellent choices. These can include:

  1. Fatty fish: salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring, anchovies, trout, and tuna.
  2. Flaxseeds and chia seeds: whole or ground, they can be added to smoothies, oatmeal, or yogurt.
  3. Nuts and seeds: walnuts, almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds.
  4. Plant oils: flaxseed oil, canola oil, soybean oil, and olive oil.
  5. Seaweed and algae: nori, kelp, Sea Moss, and spirulina. 5
  6. Fortified foods: some brands of eggs, milk, and yogurt are fortified with omega-3s.
  7. Supplements: fish oil, krill oil, and algal oil supplements can provide a concentrated source of omega-3s.

It’s worth noting that not all omega-3 fatty acids are created equal. The most beneficial types are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which are found primarily in fish and seafood.

Plant-based sources like flaxseeds and walnuts contain a different type of omega-3 called ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), which the body can convert to EPA and DHA, but not very efficiently.

Understandably, not all of these are Vegan, but if you are looking for sources that align with your dietary needs and values, you’ll be able to pick and choose what works for you quite easily.

Supporting Your Gut Bacteria to Lose Weight

A balanced gut microbiome can significantly aid weight loss. Studies suggest that the microbiome can influence energy regulation and fat storage in the body, linking gut health to weight management. 6

Hence, supporting your gut bacteria’s health can provide a dual benefit to improve gut health to lose weight. Winning!

The Role of Gut Bacteria in Weight Loss

Research has also found that gut bacteria play a substantial role in weight loss. Our gut microbiome helps regulate metabolism and fat storage, which directly impacts our weight. 7

Moreover, it can influence our hunger and satiety hormones, thus affecting our food intake. 8

Caring for your microbiome is key to helping you improve gut health to lose weight

Examples of Gut-Friendly Foods

As you no doubt understand, gut-friendly foods are those that promote the growth and diversity of beneficial bacteria in our gut. By consuming these foods regularly we can significantly boost our gut health and potentially aid in weight loss.

Some examples of gut-healthy foods include:

  1. Fermented foods: Fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, miso, tempeh, and yogurt contain beneficial bacteria that can improve gut health.
  2. Prebiotic foods: Prebiotic foods contain fibre that feeds the beneficial bacteria in the gut. Examples include onions, garlic, leeks, asparagus, artichokes, bananas, oats, and apples.
  3. Fibre-rich foods: High-fiber foods help keep the digestive system healthy and regulate bowel movements. Examples include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.
  4. Bone broth: Bone broth contains gelatin, collagen, and amino acids that can help heal and seal the gut lining and reduce inflammation.
  5. Ginger: Ginger has anti-inflammatory and anti-nausea properties and can help improve digestion.
  6. Turmeric: Turmeric contains curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory properties that can benefit the gut.
  7. Leafy greens: Leafy greens like spinach, kale, and collard greens are high in fibre and antioxidants that can improve gut health.

Again, some of these don’t fit in with a Vegan diet, so pick and choose what works best for your needs.

The Importance of Microbiota Diversity

Diversity in our gut microbiota is a key component of gut health. Diverse gut microbiota is resilient, adaptable, and better able to ward off harmful enteropathogens. 9

It’s also linked to a range of health benefits, including improved weight management. Therefore, promoting microbiota diversity through a varied diet rich in fibre, fermented foods, and plant-based foods is critical to improving gut health to lose weight.

The Ultimate Guide for a Happy Healthy Gut

Achieving a happy, healthy gut involves more than just diet. Regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and stress management techniques like meditation and deep breathing exercises can help you improve gut health to lose weight.

Exercise, in particular, can support the increase of the diversity of gut flora, while quality sleep and stress management are essential for maintaining a balanced gut microbiome. 10

7 Tips for Improving Gut Health

Here are some practical tips to improve gut health to lose weight:

  1. Increase your intake of fiber-rich foods
    • These foods feed your gut bacteria and promote their growth.
  2. Reduce your intake of sugar and artificial sweeteners
    • These can disrupt your gut microbiome and negatively impact your health and weight.
  3. Incorporate fermented foods into your diet
    • They are a natural source of probiotics and can boost your gut health.
  4. Exercise regularly
    • Regular physical activity can increase the diversity and number of microbes in your gut, improving your gut health and aiding weight management.
  5. Get enough sleep
    • Poor sleep habits can negatively impact your gut flora and increase the risk of inflammatory conditions.
  6. Avoid unnecessary use of antibiotics
    • Overuse of antibiotics can disrupt the gut microbiota and immunity, leading to a long-term deficiency in beneficial bacteria.
  7. Consider a vegetarian diet
    • Studies suggest a vegetarian diet can improve gut health due to its high levels of prebiotic fibre.

What are Gut Disruptors

Gut disruptors are factors that negatively impact our gut microbiome. They include a poor diet, particularly one high in sugar and fat, stress, lack of sleep, and certain medications like antibiotics.

Even environmental stressors, such as extreme heat, cold, or noise, can negatively affect gut health.

Dealing with gut disruptors can certainly help you on the path to improving gut health to lose weight.

Avoid Gut Disruptors to improve gut health to lose weight

Potential Dangers of Gut Disruptors

Gut disruptors can lead to gut dysbiosis, an imbalance of gut microbes. This can increase the risk of several health issues, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and inflammatory bowel disease. 11 12 13

They can also negatively impact mental health, as there is a strong link between the gut and the brain, often referred to as the gut-brain axis. 14 15

Gut Supporting Options

Apart from diet and lifestyle changes, you can also consider gut-supporting supplements and functional foods. You could also take a look at our natural products, such as Sea Moss and Shilajit, which can be excellent additions to your gut health regimen. Sea Moss provides prebiotic fibre that nourishes your gut bacteria, while Shilajit replenishes your body with essential minerals from a natural source.

We have some great resources to help you make sure your products are the real deal. Check out How To Spot Fake Sea Moss and watch the video below for some Shilajit tips.

You may also wish to learn about what Ultimate Fibre has to offer as a product. This is something I have been using on and off for years, and the benefits I have noticed in myself are clear with my objective to improve gut health to lose weight.


How Can I Improve My Gut Health to Lose Weight?

To improve gut health for weight loss, focus on incorporating a variety of gut-healthy foods and practices into your daily routine. Start by eating a fibre-rich diet, which includes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, to nourish your gut bacteria. Introduce fermented foods, such as yogurt, kefir, and kimchi, as they are natural sources of probiotics and can boost gut health. Limit sugar and processed foods, as they can disrupt the gut microbiome and hinder weight loss efforts.

Additionally, embrace a healthy lifestyle by engaging in regular exercise, which can enhance the diversity and number of microbes in your gut. Prioritise quality sleep and stress management techniques, like meditation and deep breathing exercises, to maintain a balanced gut microbiome. By adopting these gut-healthy habits, you can create an optimal environment for weight management and overall well-being.

Will Healing My Gut Help Me Lose Weight?

Healing your gut can indeed facilitate weight loss. A balanced and healthy gut microbiome is essential for optimal digestion, nutrient absorption, and metabolism, all of which contribute to weight management.

When you improve gut health to lose weight, you encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria, which assist in breaking down food more efficiently and help regulate your body’s energy use.

Additionally, a healthier gut can curb inflammation and control hunger, both crucial factors in weight loss. This can be accomplished by adopting a diet rich in fibre, fermented foods, and diverse plant-based foods while reducing processed foods and sugars.

Incorporating natural supplements like Sea Moss, a prebiotic, and Shilajit, for replenishing essential minerals, can also support gut health.

Can Gut Issues Keep You From Losing Weight?

Yes, gut issues can indeed interfere with your weight loss efforts. Imbalances in the gut microbiome, often termed as gut dysbiosis, can negatively affect your body’s metabolism and energy extraction from food, leading to weight gain or difficulty in losing weight.

In particular, certain gut bacteria can increase inflammation and insulin resistance, both of which are associated with weight gain. Moreover, poor gut health can impact your mood and appetite, leading to overeating or cravings for unhealthy foods. Therefore, strategies to improve gut health to lose weight become critical.

How Do You Lose Belly Fat and Heal Your Gut?

Losing belly fat and healing your gut involves a multifaceted approach. A key strategy is to improve gut health to lose weight, particularly belly fat. Start by incorporating a diet rich in fibre and fermented foods, which promote gut health by nourishing beneficial gut bacteria.

Avoiding processed foods, sugar, and artificial sweeteners can help prevent gut dysbiosis, which can contribute to weight gain. Regular exercise not only helps burn belly fat, but also enhances gut microbiota diversity. Lastly, reducing stress, getting adequate sleep, and avoiding unnecessary antibiotics contribute to a healthier gut, which in turn can aid in weight loss and belly fat reduction.

Can improving gut health help with weight loss?

Yes, improving gut health can indeed play a significant role in weight loss. The gut microbiome, consisting of trillions of bacteria, influences our metabolism and how we extract energy from food. An imbalance in these bacteria can lead to weight gain and metabolic disturbances.

To improve gut health and to lose weight, adopt a diet rich in fibre and fermented foods, both of which nourish beneficial gut bacteria. Reducing sugar and avoiding artificial sweeteners can also help prevent imbalances in your gut microbiota. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, and stress management are additional strategies that can promote a healthier gut. This multi-faceted approach to improving gut health can support your weight loss journey.

What foods are good for gut health?

Numerous foods can help you improve gut health to lose weight. Fermented foods like kefir, kimchi, kombucha, and sauerkraut are rich in probiotics that foster beneficial gut bacteria.

Consuming prebiotic foods like asparagus, bananas, chicory, garlic, onions, and whole grains can feed these beneficial bacteria and help them thrive. A diet rich in fibre from fruits, vegetables, and legumes can also support gut health.

Healthy fats, particularly omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and flaxseeds, can reduce inflammation and promote a healthy gut. Remember, a diverse diet often leads to a diverse microbiome, which is beneficial for gut health and weight management.

How can I improve my gut health naturally?

To improve gut health naturally and potentially lose weight, follow these key principles. First, maintain a diverse and balanced diet that includes fibre-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Incorporating fermented and probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kefir, kimchi, and sauerkraut will nurture your gut’s good bacteria. Don’t forget to include prebiotic foods like garlic, onions, and asparagus to feed those beneficial microbes.

Next, prioritise healthy fats, such as those found in avocados, nuts, seeds, and fish, which can help reduce inflammation and support gut health. Hydration is also vital, so drink plenty of water to aid digestion and nutrient absorption. Focus on stress management and good sleep habits, as both can impact gut health. Lastly, engage in regular physical activity, which can help improve gut health to lose weight and support overall well-being.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored seven effective ways to improve gut health to lose weight. Understanding the importance of gut health in weight management is crucial. We began by examining the role of diverse, fibre-rich foods and healthy fats in nurturing a robust gut environment. We spotlighted examples of gut-friendly foods, highlighting the importance of microbiota diversity and its direct influence on weight loss.

We also delved into the disruptive elements that could potentially harm our gut health, emphasising the need to consciously avoid these disruptors. To counter such hazards, we discussed various gut-supporting options, including Sea Moss and Shilajit, two natural supplements rich in essential nutrients that promote gut health.

The content of this article underscored the idea that improving gut health is not just about what we consume but also encompasses our lifestyle choices, including stress management and physical activity. This holistic approach can help you improve gut health to lose weight, paving the way for a healthier, happier life.

Equipped with this knowledge, you are ready to embark on your journey toward optimal gut health and weight management. Remember, it’s not just about losing weight, but about gaining health.

What are some of your tips on how to improve gut health to lose weight? Share your thoughts on Instagram and Pinterest with us.


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Last Updated on 6 months by D&C Editorial Team

About the Author

Christine has long been on the path to optimal health. With a history of weight loss coaching she is driven by a passion for nutrition, health and wellness. Having grown up in Africa before migrating to New Zealand, and then Australia, she has seen very strong contrasts in quality of life and is driven to help others understand the importance of taking a holistic approach to life.

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