How do you Recover from Adrenal Fatigue?

The quickest way to recover from adrenal fatigue is to consume more whole foods, fruits, vegetables, and if you are inclined, lean meat while avoiding processed foods. Working towards a consistent sleeping pattern also helps, as does taking steps to purge toxins from your body.

Suffering from adrenal fatigue is no fun. Feeling like you are exhausted all of the time gets in the way of enjoying life, and it brings with it a range of other complications. So, how do you recover from adrenal fatigue? We’ll get to some helpful suggestions around that in this article.

Approximately 80% of people around the world are suffering from Adrenal Fatigue. Unfortunately, western medicine does not consider adrenal fatigue as a “proven medical condition”. 

Consequently, most doctors don’t acknowledge it. Therefore, Natural therapists are more reliable for getting a diagnosis. As a result of being diagnosed with adrenal fatigue, I had many questions, like:

  1. What is an adrenal gland’s function?
  2. Where is the adrenal gland located in the body? and
  3. How do you recover from adrenal fatigue?

Where is the adrenal gland located in the body?

The adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys like a little caps. The adrenal glands are a part of your endocrine system, which is responsible for maintaining a healthy metabolism, managing your sleep and moods.

Most importantly, it’s responsible for making hormones which affect every function and organ throughout the body.

Have you been under pressure for prolonged periods of time?

Adrenal Fatigue is brought on by ongoing emotional, mental, or physical stress or trauma. The adrenal glands create cortisol when they are under pressure. As a result, the prefrontal cortex in the brain sends a message to the body to engage the fight or flight response.

When the adrenal glands get fatigued they cannot produce all the hormones that we need for optimum health. 

Adrenal Fatigue is identified with symptoms of anxiety, difficulty handling stressful situations, mild depression, intolerance to some foods, low body temperature, low blood sugar, low energy, and lethargy.

The reason you feel tired is that the adrenal glands aren’t producing enough aldosterone and cortisol (hormone). 1 2

This may increase your desire for energy drinks like caffeine, and sweet or salty foods. Unfortunately, adrenal fatigue impairs the immune system, which increases the chances of getting sick.

The combination of always feeling tired, having low energy, feeling sick, feeling emotional and not coping with stressful situations makes it difficult to function.

People diagnosed with adrenal fatigue may be unintentionally influencing their relationships, and not in a good way.

The feeling of exhaustion can affect how you socialize with your friends or interact with your spouse and children.

It may even affect your libido… We can’t have that.

How do you recover from adrenal fatigue?

First of all, recovery from Adrenal fatigue starts by making small changes to your diet and lifestyle. Change to your diet needs to be measured and not too drastic, to prevent the adrenal glands from going into shock.

Make sure that you’re eating plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean meat rather than processed, unhealthy foods.

recover from adrenal fatigue - tired woman

It’s important to have regular meals in order to help regulate your blood sugar levels. Avoid junk food – It’s not only bad for the adrenal glands, but it doesn’t help your waistline either.

Eliminating sugar, confectionery, caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco for a couple weeks will assist in your recovery. There are some signs of evidence that suggest fasting and colon cleansing can also help by means of purging the body of toxins that may be placing stress on the organs.

This can effectively reset your adrenals and help with the management of related fatigue.

For some people, eliminating substances like sugar, caffeine, and tobacco from their diet could be difficult. Consequently, they may experience “detox symptoms” like headaches and nausea.

Plan to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Managing stress and getting lots of rest and rejuvenation seems like the best course of action. There are many great ways to manage stress from breathing techniques to meditation and hypnosis.


Regular exercise is essential for your health. Excessive cardio exercise stimulates a stress response. We recommended low-impact exercise to ensure you don’t overstimulate the adrenal glands.

How to support adrenals

There are several ways in which you can support the adrenals. The important question is, “How do you recover from adrenal fatigue?” You could go on a special diet recommended by a healthcare professional.

Paleo Rehab is a great program for people with adrenal fatigue. This nutritional wisdom has been able to help thousands of people overcome adrenal fatigue.

There are herbs and whole foods that can also be of great support. Such as Ashwagandha which is an adaptogenic herb, has shown results for lowering cortisol and strengthening the immune system.

Ashwagandha is a whole food supplement available in a capsule or powder form. I like to add Ashwagandha to my breakfast smoothies. In a blender, mix frozen berries, chlorophyll, Ashwagandha, bentonite clay, coconut water, sea moss and spinach.


I had lots of questions about adrenal fatigue, including; What is an adrenal gland’s function? Where is the adrenal gland located? How do you recover from adrenal fatigue?

There are several specialists that can assist with recovery from adrenal fatigue including Nutritionists and Kinesiologists.

Are you concerned that some of the symptoms described above are affecting you? I would strongly suggest looking at your diet and lifestyle first. Talk to a natural therapist, and do your research.


  1. “Physiology, Aldosterone” – J Scott, M. Menouar, R. Dunn, 1 May 2023 [National Library of Medicine] [Archive] ↩︎
  2. “The role of cortisol in the body” – Health Direct Staff, Last checked 7 March 2023 [Health Direct] [Archive] ↩︎

Last Updated on 5 months by D&C Editorial Team

About the Author

Christine has long been on the path to optimal health. With a history of weight loss coaching she is driven by a passion for nutrition, health and wellness. Having grown up in Africa before migrating to New Zealand, and then Australia, she has seen very strong contrasts in quality of life and is driven to help others understand the importance of taking a holistic approach to life.

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