3 Simple Steps for Making the Best Sea Moss Smoothie

Making the best sea moss smoothie all starts with your sea moss gel. Take a little time to prepare your sea moss gel. By following these three simple steps you’ll be amazed at how good your smoothies can be.

1 – Wash your Sea Moss thoroughly

This sounds really obvious. But, in my experience when talking with people about how they are using their sea moss (also known as Irish Sea Moss by some), this is a common thread.

Many of the difficulties I hear about are in relation to the taste of the sea moss gel that people make. These comments are usually that their gel tastes too salty or beachy.

If you don’t wash your sea moss thoroughly before you soak it, you’ll end up with a strong, salty gel. So, be sure to be thorough when washing it.

I’m not gentle with my sea moss on the first wash. I’ll use filtered water and scrub my sea moss like it’s a piece of clothing I’m washing old school hand washing style.

Don’t worry about being ‘too rough’ with the first wash. Typically this has been dried to a level where the moisture content is between 15% and 20%. This means that it’s not soft and is unlikely to break apart during the first wash.

Following this step closely gets rid of any surface salt and sand. Sometimes you’ll find a small piece of other seaweed in with your sea moss. This is a normal thing to find when your sea moss is grown in open waters and is ocean harvested.

We check our sea moss thoroughly, and take out any seaweed that doesn’t belong. Sometimes a small piece might slip by, but this is to be expected with a plant that grows naturally in the ocean.

2 – Soak your Sea Moss

In my experience, the soaking time is something to apply with a degree of caution.

You don’t want to soak it for too long; it can start to smell a bit funky. As an experiment, I once soaked a batch for 5 days. I had washed this thoroughly before soaking it.

The taste was no different, but the smell was less than appealing; so don’t oversoak it. I’d normally give my sea moss from 48 to 72 hours to soak rather than boil it.

I love raw food and the energy that plants naturally have. Cooking them kills this energy, so I don’t boil my sea moss. But, if you prefer to cook yours, that’s cool. Do what you feel is right for you.

Now, this may sound a bit hippy or out there to some, but I’ll typically use rose quartz, citrine, amethyst, shungite and tiger eye in the bowl while soaking my sea moss. 1

These put some amazing properties into the mix. I’ve also got affirmations written on the outside of the clear glass bowl. Inspired by Dr. Masaru Emoto, these make a big difference in my opinion.

But like I said, you do what is right for you. Make it the best you possibly can.

Check out the time-lapse video of sea moss soaking below and watch the magic that makes for a perfect sea moss smoothie unfold before your eyes!

After soaking I may use the water that the sea moss was soaked in for blending; provided it’s not too salty. If it is too salty, I’ll use freshly filtered (alkaline) water.

If you only intend to make sea moss smoothies and not use your gel for anything else you should be fine. The taste will be covered by the fruit in your smoothie. It won’t matter if you have a little beachy or salty taste to your gel.

If you plan to use your gel in teas, or coffee, or add it to water for a sea moss fast, then you really want to make sure you don’t use the water it was soaked in. Particularly if it is too salty or beachy for you.

Before jumping into blending, I’ll give my sea moss a good rinse to get rid of anything that has become loose after soaking. It is more tender at this stage, so aggressive washing is not advised.

Only after this is done, then I’ll move on to the blender.

Have you heard about these experiments where the water molecules in ice showed interesting patterns? Find this image on Instagram.

3 – Blending your Gel

A few Customers have reached out to me over the years and asked about their sea moss and why it is chunky after soaking and blending. In my experience this comes down to 3 things:

  • The blender
  • The volume of sea moss
  • The soaking

In short, the type of blender you use will play a very big part in getting a smooth gel.

If you are using something like a Nutri-Bullet type blender to make your sea moss smoothie, these can become overloaded. You’ll have a smooth and creamy sea moss gel at the bottom, but the top can still be chunky.

If you’re using a conventional bench-top blender with blades that are positioned at some angles this will get you a better result. Again, overloading a blender, even one like this, can cause your gel to come out chunky.

I’ll normally use a bench-top blender, nothing fancy, just a simple Breville blender (Model BFP580 for those who want to know exactly). I’ll only fill about 1/4 of the blender with a mix of soaked, clean sea moss and water.

Normally I’ll start with about 1/2 a cup of water and let this blend for a little while before using a spatula to wipe down the walls of the blender.

I’ll then add some more water (maybe 1/4 of a cup) before blending again. I keep checking the smoothness of the gel as I go. Each batch can be different as this is a natural product.

What I’m looking for is a smooth gel that has no chunks of sea moss in it. This has given me more choices about what I use my gel in, and it makes for an amazing sea moss smoothie.

It also means I can comfortably use the gel as a topical application to keep my skin looking younger. What types of smoothies would you add sea moss to?


  1. “What Is Shungite?” – C. Millhone, 24 October 2023 [Health] [Archive] ↩︎

Last Updated on 4 months by D&C Editorial Team


About the Author

Matthew has been on an active journey towards living a healthy life from a young age. Influenced by his Grandmother, a practicing Naturopath who served her community from the 1940's to the 1980's, his views on living holistically were shaped from a young age. Growing up in different parts of Australia, his connection with the Ocean and a passion for sustainability comes through in everything he does and shares.

"I'm not a Doctor, and I don't play one on the Internet." - me

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