Sea Moss Benefits For Hair and Skin Health

Sea moss benefits for hair are much more varied than you might have first thought. Sea moss has been used by people around the world for deep nourishment and conditioning of hair.

This is something that I have used sea moss for too. In my research, I discovered that it also helps to soothe skin conditions and reduce the effects of dandruff, dermatitis, eczema, flaky skin, inflammation and itching.

Let’s take a closer look at what is understood to be behind the positive effects of sea moss supporting healthy hair. Sometimes referred to as Irish Sea Moss, this can be consumed orally in a smoothie blend or even applied directly to your skin and hair.

We make our own gel at home from ocean-harvested sea moss. The gel is best used for topical application when it is blended to be very smooth.

Some benefits come from the many minerals found in this amazing seaweed. I have listed some of the amazing things that can be found in sea moss below. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list.

What is in Sea Moss?

Amino Acids

Sea Moss Benefits For Hair and Skin

Containing sulfur, sea moss helps with gently exfoliating the skin. Applying sea moss gel to the skin in the evening before bed acts as a nice face mask. 1

I wear it overnight to give it a full 8-hours to nourish my skin. After washing it off the next morning with warm water while I shower, my skin feels hydrated and smooth.

I’ve also noticed a reduction in fine lines. Okay, so I’m in my mid-thirties and I don’t have many wrinkles but I certainly don’t want to wait until it’s too late.

So I plan to start looking after my skin sooner rather than later. My Husband has seen some impressive changes in the skin around his eyes. Noticeably, a reduction in fine lines that surprised even me!

before and after photos of face where sea moss gel has resulted in healthier looking skin
After using Sea Moss gel as a topical application my skin took on a healthier appearance. Find this image on Instagram.
before and after photos of face where sea moss gel has resulted in healthier looking skin with a focus on the closeup around the eyes
Looking at the fine lines around the eyes, these are no longer visible. Find this image on Instagram.

Additionally, seaweeds are making a big impact on areas of life and research that some of us may not know about. Having anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory properties which promote skin repair, seaweed seems to hold the key to hope for a lot of people. 2 3 4 5

I used to get quite a lot of acne around my chin. Since using sea moss gel this has reduced significantly. Being a source of zinc and organified silver, this has also been the source of some great properties for helping to reduce the presence of acne.

There are also amazing sea moss benefits for hair. When applying sea moss gel as a conditioner, it nourishes and strengthens the hair.

I like to add it after I’ve washed my hair and leave it in. I find that this approach gives the sea moss a really good chance to soak in and provide me with the best results. My hair has since become fuller, and more manageable.

Beauty starts from within

A word of advice here, don’t think that by just applying some cream or serum that you’re going to magically look beautiful. Beauty starts from within, so you need to start nourishing your body from the inside out.

I am an advocate of eating lots of whole plant-based foods to nourish the cells. When I don’t eat well and look after myself, my skin and hair show the effects very quickly.

In order to have healthy skin, hair and nails you need to eat a sufficient amount of B vitamins, biotin, essential fatty acids, iron, protein, Vitamins A, C, D and E, and zinc. So, here are some yummy whole foods that support healthy skin, hair and nails.

  1. Avocados
  2. Berries
  3. Eggs
  4. Fatty Fish
  5. Irish Sea Moss
  6. Dark Green Vegetables
  7. Nuts
  8. Oils
  9. Seeds
  10. Water

What I love about this list is that it’s ideal to make a yummy, scrummy salad.

Nourishing Foods

Sea moss is amazing, and I make it a part of my every day. But you also need to have variety. The sea moss benefits for hair and skin health are amplified when you include a mix of other nourishing foods. So, let’s take a look at a few of my favorite foods for healthy living.


I love, love, love avocados! I could eat one every day, in many different ways. There are lots of good fats and nutrients that are beneficial for general health, but they also support hair and skin.

Avocado can be eaten savory and sweet which makes it incredibly versatile. Add some good fats to your diet with a bunch of great vitamins and it’ll give your hair beautiful healthy shine.


It’s no secret that berries are packed full of antioxidants which help fight the early signs of aging. Antioxidants fight free radicals which cause follicle damage. Berries help to strengthen and promote hair growth with powerful vitamin C compounds.


Eggs contain biotin, calcium, folate, omega-3s, Vitamins A and E, which are great for healthy hair. The nutrients in egg yolk naturally nourish the hair.

If you’re feeling bold, you could apply some egg yolk to your hair as a mask. It’s too messy for me, but if you want to give it a go, by all means.

Fatty Fish

It’s all about the fats and fish is no different. Fatty fish is loaded full of omega-3’s, protein and vitamin D. All of which support healthy hair and scalp.

Irish Sea Moss

I’ve already covered sea moss quite a bit in this article. Irish Sea Moss is a staple in my household and I don’t think I could live without it.

I tell all my friends and family about the benefits I’m getting from it which include feeling more energetic, less prone to sickness, healthier-looking and generally feeling amazing.

Irish Sea Moss is reported to contain approximately 92 minerals, which in my opinion gives it superpowers. Feed your cells inside and out which all these healthy nutrients.

The sea moss benefits for hair, skin, and nails are amazing. I love to add it to my morning green smoothie. Getting all those awesome superfoods in there is a must. Yum!

sea moss gel image blended with soaking sea moss in a white bowl
Sea Moss gel is amazing for hair, skin and nails. Find this image on Instagram.

Dark Green Vegetables

Broccoli, Kale, Spinach, and Swiss Chard are also great for your diet. These nutritionally dense green vegetables contain powerful antioxidants, Calcium, Copper, Magnesium, Manganese, Omega-3’s, Potassium, Vitamins C, B6, K, and Zinc. They are great for general health which will radiate through your skin and hair.


Nuts contain protein, biotin omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins. More research is needed to validate the benefits of biotin but it is promoted for healthy hair. Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids are understood to help stimulate healthy hair growth. So, eat your nuts.


There are several nutritious oils available on the market that can be added to food and applied to the skin and hair. For example, I like to use Olive oil, Avocado oil, Coconut oil and Caster oil. They are all great for supporting healthy skin, hair, and nails.


There are lots of seeds that have fabulous health benefits like Flax seeds (linseed), Hemp seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and more. As rich sources of Omega 3 Fatty Acids, minerals, protein and vitamins, they are also known to possess anti-inflammatory properties.


It’s important to drink lots of water. Our bodies are about 60% water. Different parts of the body have an even higher water volume, like the brain, which is an astonishing 73% water!

If you’re dehydrated, your skin and hair will start to look and feel dull and frail. So keep hydrated! By drinking lots of water, you’re also helping your body to detoxify and flush harmful substances from your body.

So there you have it. Ten whole foods that support healthy hair. I love the sea moss benefits for hair, skin, and nails over them all.

It is such a versatile ingredient and I think it’s one of the best foods out there for general health. If you have any personal experiences with improving your hair health, please share them in the comments below.


  1. “Can You Use Sulfur for Acne Spots and Scars?” – K. Cherney, 8 March 2019 [Healthline] [Archive] ↩︎
  2. “Antiviral Profile of Brown and Red Seaweed Polysaccharides Against Hepatitis C Virus” – S. Gheda, H. El-Adawi, N. EL-Deeb, 23 February 2024 [PubMed Central] [Archive] ↩︎
  3. “Seaweed inspires antibacterial” – J. Whitfield, 11 January 2002 [Nature] [Archive] ↩︎
  4. “Nutraceutical Potential of Seaweed Polysaccharides: Structure, Bioactivity, Safety, and Toxicity” – B. Tanna, A. Mishra, 1 April 2019 [IFT] [Archive] ↩︎
  5. “Is seaweed good for you? Benefits, nutrition and all else you need to know” – J. Johnson, 21 December 2023 [Medical News Today] [Archive] ↩︎

Last Updated on 5 months by D&C Editorial Team

14 thoughts on “Sea Moss Benefits For Hair and Skin Health”

  1. Filtered shower/bath and drinking water is also better for hair and skin. At-home colonics do wonders to flush out the system helping to add glow and suppleness to the skin as well. Make sure to follow up the colonics with probiotics afterwards such as a glass of kombucha to replace the good flora that got flushed out. Many health issues start in the gut. Why wouldn’t we flush out our own piping; when we do periodic flushes of our vehicle’s various systems, our house plumbing and so on. Take care of your body and it will take care of you❤

    • Thank you for adding your comment to the thread, Janelle.

      You make some good points here about how many of us don’t treat our bodies with the same level of care and attention that we do other things in our lives.

      Fermented foods and drinks can be great to provide a more balanced gut microbiome. We make our own kombucha at home (this is really easy to do once you have a scoby).

      Our preference is to run our water through a filter that takes out the chlorine, fluoride and other harmful substances. You make a very good point about this including the water we wash ourselves in too.

      We have found that using alkaline water is so much better when working with sea moss, and that it helps it to gel more effectively when blended. Adding to that the benefits of alkaline water to how sea moss benefits your skin and hair and you’ve got a win win in my opinion.

      It’s great to hear from like-minded people such as yourself. Keep sharing the good work Janelle!

  2. Hi I’d just like point out that in the third line down, the word sued is used. Should it be used instead.

    • Hello Jasmine,

      Thank you so much for pointing that out. I’ve updated this to read is it should. You wouldn’t happen to be looking for a gig as a Proof Reader by any chance? 🙂

  3. Does seamoss also help with balding and receding hairlines? Can seamoss grow hair back?

    • Hello Chris,

      I can’t say from personal experience that Sea Moss has helped with growing hair back once balding has taken hold. There’s some evidence to suggest that once the follicles thin out and die off that hair will virtually never come back. And then there are other perspectives that suggest that balding is completely reversible.

      I have noticed that my hair is thicker after consuming and using sea moss gel as a full face and scalp treatment (I just leave it on all night). Bur hair growing back isn’t something I’ve had enough personal evidence to support (yet – I’m still trying).

    • Thank you for your question yneedcouk,

      Depending upon the species of seaweed, there may be benefits in the hair regrowth space. A study published on ResearchGate looked at ethanolic extracts from the same species of seaweed we stock and how their effectiveness was some 20% better compared to aqueous extracts.

      It would be great to hear from some of our Readers who have seen positive results in this space!

      I hope this helps you.

  4. Hi!
    Nobody mentioned how much of the sea moos you have to use, putting it in tea or a smoothie, or on your hair and how often you can use it as a facial mask.
    That would me nice to know.

    Thank you

    • Hello Monika,

      Thank you for your question and adding to the conversation. You make a valid point in that this information is not covered in this post. We do have it wrapped up in other posts that you may find helpful.

      If I am adding a gel to a smoothie, I’ll normally use 2 tablespoons per serving. With tea or coffee, one teaspoon is enough to add a silky smooth finish to the beverage.

      For a topical application I will use a teaspoon on my face and neck. Depending on how long and thick you hair is, you may need to use a tablespoon or more.

      Adding Sea Moss Gel to your hair works best when it is still damp. It is much easier to comb or brush through. Using this at night on your face and hair I have found works the best.

      We will come back and review this article and add more details to provide a better outline down the track.

      I hope this helps you.

  5. Where is the best place to buy sea moss and how do you know it’s good quality. How do you use it on hair and scalp, and how much should be consumed daily or weekly and what is the best way or ways to eat it, or pair it with other foods etc..What does it taste like? Thank you.

    • Hello Dee,

      Thank you for your questions. I’ll do my best to provide a succinct response for you.

      Question: Where is the best place to buy sea moss…

      Answer: I would be doing both of us a disservice if I suggested any other provider for buying Sea Moss, so I would suggest that you check out our shop online.

      Question: …and how do you know it’s good quality?

      Answer: We have gone to extensive lengths to find the best Sea Moss possible. We have provided tips on spotting fake Sea Moss and getting the best Sea Moss you can.

      Question: How do you use it on hair and scalp…

      Answer: When it comes to using Sea Moss as a topical application, this will provide some additional understanding about using it in your hair and on your scalp.

      Question: …and how much should be consumed daily or weekly…

      Answer: When it comes to consuming Sea Moss and how much to have, it is best to speak with your trusted Dietitian or Doctor if this something new to you. I choose to have between 2 and 4 tablespoons of gel a day as a pretty consistent measure. Sometimes it is more, but 2 to 4 works nicely for me. What will work for you, and what you are looking to achieve are factors that are too broad for me to provide an accurate response to. This is why you should take what you learn and speak with a Dietitian to make sure this is the right path for you.

      Question: …and what is the best way or ways to eat it, or pair it with other foods etc..

      Answer: There are a lot of nutritional benefits offered by making seaweed a part of your diet. How you choose to consume this, whether as a gel, or a a whole seaweed in other foods is up to you.

      Question: What does it taste like?

      Answer: Depending on how you prepare your Sea Moss, it could have little to no taste, or it could be very salty. I would suggest giving it a really good wash in clean, fluoride and chlorine free water to get rid of any surface salt, sand, and other debris. It will have salt on it and ‘inside’ it because it grows in the open ocean and is constantly surrounded by salt water. There are some photos on our Instagram that show the difference between naturally occurring salt that leaches out of seaweeds and table salt.

      I hope this helps you.

  6. Hello I just purchased seamoss im confuse I was told to take 2 tablespoons a day now is there a different one for your hair because this one I was told for nutrition pain arthritis and stuff please help me out Thank you 😊

    • Hello Rachel,

      Thank you for sharing your question.

      Please note that if you require professional advice to support a healthcare plan, you’re better off seeking this from a trusted specialist who can help you with your specific needs. This is by no means to be considered any form of professional advice for a number of reasons.

      I’m going to assume that your Sea Moss hasn’t been bought through our website as I don’t recall your name on recent orders. Anyhow, with that in mind, I’m not sure what species of seaweed you’ve got, and therefore can’t speak with certainty on the nutritional values associated with it, or how it has been grown and prepared for sale.

      Depending upon what you are seeking to achieve, and the product you are using, there may be variations in results. I can share my experience with you where I’ve found that adding this to my day has helped with better digestion which then improved my quality of sleep, my resultant stamina, and then fed into better concentration levels.

      This also improved my skin as a topical application (fine lines and pore sizes reduced) over about 4 weeks with much more noticeable improvement over the next 12 weeks. I still use this today and love it.

      We have referenced studies that relate to pain and arthritis where seaweed has provided some interesting results.

      If you have purchased the whole leaf raw seaweed, you may find that our guide on how to go about preparing your own gel is helpful. If you have purchased a ready made gel, then I would suggest you speak with the business you bought through as I can’t say what is in it.

      I hope this helps you.

Comments are closed.

About the Author

Christine has long been on the path to optimal health. With a history of weight loss coaching she is driven by a passion for nutrition, health and wellness. Having grown up in Africa before migrating to New Zealand, and then Australia, she has seen very strong contrasts in quality of life and is driven to help others understand the importance of taking a holistic approach to life.

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