Is Shilajit an Effective Radiation Poisoning Treatment?

Before we dig too deep into looking at the potential for Shilajit to be an effective radiation poisoning treatment (hint: according to the studies, it is effective), there are some considerations to make in what we are looking at.

First up, there’s a difference between ‘radiation’ and ‘radioactivity’ which needs to be understood here.

  • Radiation is a reference to the particles or the energy that is released as a part of the radioactive decay process.
  • Radioactivity is a reference to the rate of radiation emission of a material.

Is all Radiation Bad?

You may like to think that all radiation exposure is unintentional and therefore bad. However, as much as we may not immediately think of them this way, there are some types of radiation to which we need a degree of exposure.

UVB radiation from the sun helps our bodies to convert cholesterol (yes, you read that correctly, cholesterol) in the skin to help the body generate the energy to commence the synthesis of Vitamin D. 1

There are two types of ways in which the delivery of UVB radiation is administered for medical purposes. Heliotherapy is exposure to solar radiation as a part of being outside in the sun. And phototherapy, where lamps are used to emit UVB radiation.

UVB radiation is also credited with treating multiple sclerosis through its being able to suppress clinical symptoms. It is also credited with being capable of treating a range of skin conditions, including psoriasis, dermatitis and a handful of others. 2

But what about the forms of radiation that aren’t so helpful? These could come from things like:

  • mobile phones (cell phones)
  • microwave ovens
  • plasma televisions
  • some types of smoke detectors
  • granite benchtops
  • some glow-in-the-dark toys and paints, and
  • cigarettes, to name a few.

Should you be concerned about these?

Some, yes. Ben Lee was right, in his calling song from the Breathing Tornadoes album “Cigarettes will kill you”.

According to various government sources, the low-level radiation from most of the other things you’ll find in your home is not as problematic as you may be led to believe. 3

Forgive me for being a tad political here, but, do you implicitly trust all government and media sources? I’ll leave the final determination in that matter up to you. I’m sure you can guess my take on this. Who is paying for the studies? What vested interests do they have?

Radiation used in Medicine

And then you need to consider radiation exposure in the medical industry. Scans and X-rays being amongst the most common are just the tip of the conversational iceberg.

Yes, there are times when these are necessary, and without them, you wouldn’t be able to get the medical help needed. But that is not to say that you should just blindly accept the consequences of radiation exposure.

Have you ever felt a little exposed or worried when you go in for an X-ray and the nurse dashes behind a wall before hitting the button to see what’s going on inside you? I know I have. Thankfully, that’s not a very frequent occurrence, but it is unnerving all the same.

The standard chest X-ray will expose a patient to as much radiation in a single burst as they would naturally be exposed to over 10 days. Then consider what Josette Snyder, a Cancer Care Nurse, has to say about the effects related to brachytherapy and the seeds used to treat prostate cancer. 4 5

Radiation Poisoning Treatment Options

Considering how you may reduce radiation exposure is a great first step. Next, I would consider what I could do to recover from any consequential exposure as effectively as possible. Two things I rely on for this are Sea Moss and Shilajit.

Based on the findings of the studies included in the links here, my preference is to take proactive and preventative measures to mitigate any risks.

Shilajit is particularly effective at protecting primordial follicles and blocking apoptotic pathways in studies where radiation treatment for cancer was evaluated. 6

Handling Severe Radiation Poisoning

Depending upon the type of exposure, Potassium iodide, Prussian blue, or Diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid may be administered. These work in different ways to either fill gaps in the body that would normally become occupied by radioactive particles, or bind to radioactive particles.

The conventional manner in which extreme radiation poisoning is handled is to take a triage approach initially. The prevention of further contamination is the first step normally.

This would include primary decontamination measures including the removal of clothing and washing the skin gently with water and soap to remove surface particles that may enter the body normally through ingestion, open wounds, or inhalation.

After this, the treatment of life-threatening injuries which are predominantly in the form of burns is completed. Trauma and pain are managed to reduce the symptoms as much as possible. 7


Shilajit has properties that have been proven to be effective under specific circumstances in protecting cells from certain types of exposure to radiation as covered in the studies referenced.

However, it is not relied upon as a means to treat radiation poisoning within the medical profession or as a first aid treatment. If you find that you have been exposed to high levels of radiation you should seek urgent medical assistance promptly.


  1. “Vitamin D How much sun do we need?” – Cancer Council Staff, 27 September 2021 [Cancer Council] [Archive] ↩︎
  2. “Beneficial effects of UV radiation other than via vitamin D production” – A. Juzeniene, J. Moan, 1 April 2012 [PubMed] [Archive] ↩︎
  3. “Is It Safe to Stand in Front of Microwave Ovens?” – Rachel Rettner, 26 October 2019 [LiveScience] [Archive] ↩︎
  4. “Understanding Radiation Risk from Image Tests” – American Cancer Society, 3 August 2018 [American Cancer Society] [Archive] ↩︎
  5. “Can Your Cancer Treatment Be Hazardous to Others?” – Cleveland Clinic, 24 February 2020 [Cleveland Clinic] [Archive] ↩︎
  6. “Evaluation of preventive effect of Shilajit on radiation-induced apoptosis on ovaries” – M. Kececi, M. Akpolat, K. Gulle, E. Gencer, A. Sahbaz, 3 November 2015 [PubMed] [Archive] ↩︎
  7. “Radiation Sickness” – Mayo Clinic, November 2020 [Mayo Clinic] [Archive] ↩︎

Last Updated on 5 months by D&C Editorial Team


About the Author

Matthew has been on an active journey towards living a healthy life from a young age. Influenced by his Grandmother, a practicing Naturopath who served her community from the 1940's to the 1980's, his views on living holistically were shaped from a young age. Growing up in different parts of Australia, his connection with the Ocean and a passion for sustainability comes through in everything he does and shares.

"I'm not a Doctor, and I don't play one on the Internet." - me

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