5 Minute Guide: Ketosis Diet for Beginners

So you want the low down on the Ketosis Diet for Beginners? Let’s get into it… The ketosis diet is where you consume high amounts of healthy fats and proteins while simultaneously reducing your carbohydrate intake

If you’re a beginner and this is your first look at what a keto diet is all about, stick around because I’ve got the ultimate 5-minute rundown for you. So let’s begin by looking at the basics behind a ketosis diet for beginners.

The ketosis diet is an eating plan designed to minimise carbohydrate intake while simultaneously increasing your fat intake to compensate for the missing carbohydrates. It is a great diet to enter into a body state called ketosis.

So What is Ketosis?

Ketosis is where the body (of an average person) switches from using glucose as a primary fuel source to using ketones. As strange as it may sound, a keto diet is a way to fast and help your body reset. 1

Glucose is a storage of blood sugar in the body, produced by foods such as carbohydrates or excess proteins. Ketones are produced when the body does not have enough glucose to burn for energy.

As a result, the liver will begin to produce ketones which are then used by the body as a fuel source. After some time (which varies from person to person) the body will adapt and use ketones as the primary fuel source.

The Basics of Ketosis Diet for Beginners

The basic motto to follow on the ketosis diet is to keep carbohydrate intake low while keeping fat and protein intake high.

The ketosis diet is rich in healthy fats. The two healthy fats to ensure you are eating are monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. Foods such as meat and poultry, cheese, eggs, and seafood are all staple foods under this diet.

Examples of staple foods could include:

  • Poultry

Chicken or turkey, fattier cuts are better as they have a higher fat content

  • Cheese

The smellier the better for the higher fat content, but most cheeses will be suitable

  • Eggs

Chicken eggs are best but others are generally just as good

  • Seafood

Salmon, shrimp/prawns, shellfish and other deep-sea fish are good choices

  • Vegetables

Broccoli, green beans, carrots or zucchini are all good foods, avoid vegetables high in starch such as potatoes and sweet potatoes (yams)

  • Leafy Greens

Spinach, lettuce, bok choy and kale are great under the ketosis diet

For our vegan readers, check out our article on how to do the Ketosis Diet for Vegans.

When I started the diet I learned that depending on how strict you want to be, you should limit your carbohydrate intake to somewhere between 20g and 50g per day. I also learned that while using the diet, you should be somewhere around 75% fats, 20% protein and 5% carbohydrates.

You must be consuming enough healthy fats to make this diet work. If you don’t you will be hungry due to the lack of fats and avoidance of carbohydrates.

Fasting could be just what you’re looking for. Find this image on Instagram.

Common Occurrences on the Ketosis Diet

Several things will occur with your body while you are on the keto diet. They can range from:

  • Increased weight loss

As your body switches from glucose to ketones, your body will burn more stored body fat.

  • Improved cognitive function

Ketones are the brain’s preferred fuel source and operate more efficiently on this source.

  • Enhanced mood

Many report a higher sense of alertness, feeling in a better mood, and requiring less sleep when in ketosis.

  • Boosted energy levels

Large carbohydrate meals can lead to a spike in blood sugars, resulting in a high then crash of energy levels. Ketones are slower release and result in longer periods before feeling fatigued.

  • Lower cholesterol levels

Studies show that the ketosis diet can greatly improve your level of good cholesterol and lower your bad cholesterol levels.

  • Suppressed appetite

Fats help you feel fuller for longer resulting in less of an appetite.

  • Can cause irregularity

You may find that you become constipated due to the lack of carbohydrates to retain water. You may also experience diarrhea from the increased fat intake.

  • Increased thirst

Due to the lack of carbohydrates to retain water, you will find that you will be extra thirsty due to lack of stored water within the body.

  • Craving for sugary goods

Depending on your current diet, you may crave sugary goods when first going on the ketosis diet.

As with all diets, ensure that the ketosis diet is suitable for you and your dietary needs. Also, make sure you are getting plenty of additional energy from your food choices to help fill the deficit left by the lack of carbohydrates. It is worth discussing this with your Doctor to make sure that the Ketosis Diet for Beginners is right for you.


  1. “Ketones” – Cleveland Clinic, Last checked 29 February 2024 [Cleveland Clinic] [Archive] ↩︎

Last Updated on 5 months by D&C Editorial Team

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About the Author

Luke has a background in bodybuilding and martial arts. His fitness focus drove his interest in health. After learning about what a plant based diet can offer he began to transition from a carnivorous diet to one that comprised of more plants and wholefoods. A devotee of clean drinking water, and clean eating, Luke is on a life long path to fulfillment and understanding.

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