Preparing Sea Moss for the Best Results

So you’ve got a fresh batch of Sea Moss and you want to know how to get the most out of it. Preparing Sea Moss is as simple as washing it, soaking it, and then blending it.

Some people prefer to go about the process a little different to me, and that’s OK. This process isn’t what everyone has time for.

How do I Prepare my Sea Moss?

I like to make sure that I’m doing everything I can to keep the full power of this amazing seaweed intact with how I prepare it. Depending upon which type you have, and how much you normally consume, you will find the dry product weight you use will vary. Ours is typically between 10% and 20% moisture content.

If you are sourcing through a Seller who has a higher moisture content, keep in mind that it takes a lot less of the drier version to make the same batch when compared to the wetter version.

This is all to do with the moisture content it has before soaking. It’s a bit like blowing up 2 balloons of the same type, but one has already been blown up part way.

The balloon that is completely empty will expand a lot more because there’s more air that can be blown into it. The other one that is already partially blown up will only take a little more before it is at full size.

The moisture content of the Sea Moss has a similar relationship to the balloons in this illustration. The one with a moisture content of 10% can still absorb as much as 90% more potential moisture. The one with a moisture content of 35% can only take on 65% more potential moisture.

This is a big difference! So you may feel like you’re not getting as much bang for your buck when you look at it in the packet, but the lower moisture content is a concentrated version as it has been naturally dehydrated in the sun that little bit more.

So there’s really more Sea Moss to the packet compared to the one with a higher moisture content when you look at these as equivalent weights (for example, say they are both 125g, or 4.4oz packs). But, the choice is yours at the end of the day, and you need to be happy with what you have got.

Choosing the right kind of seaweed is something we want you to be able to do with confidence. Take some time to learn about Sea Moss uses, cultivation and harvesting, and what goes on behind the scenes in the industry.

The better informed you are, the better the choices you can make for your health, your family’s health, and the planet.

sea moss harvest in the open ocean where a man is carrying a pale blue plastic crate on his right shoulder that is loaded with olive green sea moss while another man unloads sea moss a canoe loaded with sea moss
Harvested from the open ocean, Sea Moss is a gift from Nature! Find this image on Instagram.

Step 1 – Washing Your Sea Moss

This may seem like a bit over the top, but your seaweed grew in the ocean and it’s naturally going to be high in moisture content when freshly harvested in its natural state.

When you wash seaweed that has been dried it will typically soak up some of the water it is being washed in. The lower the moisture content at the time of washing, the higher the volume of water it is likely to absorb. It’s a bit like a sponge.

Choose water that is filtered if you can. If not, bottled water may be your next best option. You want to do this to avoid soaking up chemicals that are likely to be in your tap water if you can.

Make sure you get as much of the sand, salt, and other impurities off your Sea Moss as you can in this first wash. I normally agitate the seaweed in the water aggressively during the first 3 to 5 minutes. With how dry our Sea Moss is I can be quite rough without worrying about it breaking or quickly turning into mush.

Change the water and rinse your sea moss before moving on to the next step.

thick and golden sea moss dusted with salt grains that have naturally leached out of the plant being held in an open palm. Caption overlay reads 'we love a good looking harvest'
How good does your Sea Moss look? Find this image on Instagram.

Step 2 – Soaking Your Sea Moss

I prefer to soak mine rather than cook it. Raw foods have better energetic properties which can be seen under Kirlian Photography. This kind of energy is a beautiful thing!

Cooking pretty much kills off any of this sacred energy it has. I soak mine for between 24 and 48 hours.

When soaking, make sure the water is as pure as possible. Like the water for washing in step 1, this is important. In fact, when it comes to preparing sea moss it is critical in my opinion.

Imagine letting your food soak in chemical loaded water you don’t want to drink for 2 days. Yuck!

I prefer to use filtered alkaline water. That alkaline goodness goes a long way to living a healthy life, and it give me a better gelling.

Another thing I do is use crystals in the water to help energize the Sea Moss. My soaking bowl is made of glass and on the outside of it I have words of positive affirmation. These are powerful too.

Check out the work done by Doctor Masaru Emoto to see why this matters. 1

Now, 2 days may seem like a long time to wait when preparing your Sea Moss. But, be patient. Nothing good comes from rushing.

Make sure your seaweed is completely submerged during this time. If needed, place a small plate, like a saucer, over it and top the water up. There’s no need to stir or change the water during this time. Just let it wake up on its own terms.
Keep your Sea Moss under water at all times

Step 3 – Blending Your Sea Moss

Take your Sea Moss out of the water it has been soaking in. I prefer to place the soaked seaweed in a sieve and giving it a final rinse in clean filtered water before putting it in the blender.

This helps to get rid of anything that might be on the surface that has since become removable as the it has softened with the soaking.

When blending, don’t add too much water in the first instance. You may need to press the ‘blend’ or ‘power’ button a few times during this stage. Add water as you go, bit by bit, until you get the thickness (viscosity) that you want.

Make sure you scrape down the walls of your blender between bursts to get the smoothest gel.

Each time that you make a batch you will figure out how much water you want to add. It is something of an art form. The less water you add the thicker and more jelly-like the mix will be. This will also thicken up when refrigerated.

Step 4 – Storing Your Sea Moss

Make sure that you use a clean jar that is suitable for foods. If it has not been thoroughly cleaned your Sea Moss gel will turn and go bad much quicker than if the jar were clean.

I like to pour a jug of boiling hot water into mine while they sit in the sink and then let them site there to cool. The lid will need to be clean too, and effective at sealing the jar.

Your Sea Moss gel will keep in the fridge for between 2 to 4 weeks generally. I have had batches that last longer. Normally I will consume and use a 500ml (0.13 Gal) jar in 7 to 10 days. I have friends who consume a lot more in that time. Again, you’ll find what works best for you.

Preparing Sea Moss is so much easier than many people think it is. Making your own gel and using it opens up a whole new world of options that I’m sure you’ll find exciting. Let us know how you prepare your Sea Moss, and what you have used it for in the comments below.


  1. “Masaru Emoto” – Scholar Community Encyclopedia, Last checked 26 February 2024 [Scholar Community Encyclopedia] [Archive] ↩︎

Last Updated on 4 months by D&C Editorial Team

78 thoughts on “Preparing Sea Moss for the Best Results”

  1. Hello. I mistakenly over soaked my seamoss. It’s been sitting in a pot of distilled water in my refrigerator for a month. Wondering if it is still good to use and how to proceed if so. Help! Thank you.

    • Hello Cris,

      Thanks for your question. The time-frame for soaking is one we get asked a bout a lot. I’m sorry to say that I think your sea moss is not going to be any good after that long. Even with it sitting in distilled water, even in the fridge, it’s going to be very sloppy and maybe even taste and smell bad.

      When it comes to preparing sea moss the soaking should really be limited to 3 to 4 days tops. I find that even 4 days can be a bit too long. You could try using it, but I doubt this is going to be an enjoyable experience for you.

  2. Hi there, I just recieved a big order of sea moss and I accidentally decided to rinse everything. If I just wanted to use a portion to turn to a gel, how can I store the rest of the sea moss that I have rinsed and cleaned?

    • Hello Edgar,

      Thank’s for the great question.

      I remember when I got my first bag of sea moss and was so excited that I put the whole lot in the bowl and washed it too. You could try placing it on a cloth in the sun (if it is warm and sunny where you are) and letting it dry out again. I’m not sure how much success you’ll have with this, but it’s worth giving a go.

      Alternatively, you could continue preparing your sea moss and making a few batches of gel and put a couple in the freezer.

      I’ve frozen a few over my time and they have come out fine. The trick is to let them sit in the fridge overnight and gel up first, then freeze them. Obviously, this isn’t the ideal way to get through your sea moss, but if you’ve had a moment like I did with my first batch, they may help you recover from washing too much at first.

      I hope that this has been valuable and that you’re still as excited about preparing your sea moss for all the amazing thing it can do for you.

  3. My Son has us all into the sea moss. Making the gel. He set a batch out that sat too long. The pot of gel has a bit of mold beginning to emerge along the edges. If is has gone bad, is there an alternative use for it. Can I place it into my mulch pile to better assist my garden dirt.

    • Hello Larnce,

      Thank you for your question. It’s a shame you’ve had your sea moss gel turn, but that’s not a total loss. You can safely use it in the garden to add to your mulch (or compost).

      We have done this in the early days and it’s been fine. As this is plant based it will break down like any other seaweed would.

      My Grandfather made his own fertilizer for his veggie garden with seaweed. I would help him collect this at the beach when I was a child while mu Grandmother collected seaweed to use in the kitchen.

  4. I have sea moss that I bought May 2019. It was stored in a container. And it has never been soaked. Is it safe to use it?

    • Hello Denise,

      Thanks for your question.

      When it comes to preparing your sea moss to get the best out of it, a batch of sea moss that is in good condition is going to be the first consideration.

      Although you have had this for a while, if the package is unopened I’d guess that it is ok as long as it hasn’t started to turn with mold. If you bought your sea moss through our website it normally has about 12 months expected life, before the package is opened.

      Once opened, the life span is going to depend on how it is stored. Typically, this could be anywhere from 3 months to as long as 6 months. Keep an eye for signs of black or white fuzzy patches with any sea moss after opening (not salt excretion).

      Otherwise, I would expect that it is safe to use.

  5. Hello I have been checking a lot of sources on line about preparing sea moss, and it seems like there are a lot of contradictions and differing beliefs about how long the soak time should be, and no concrete evidence to support any of them. One source says that soaking the moss for more then an hour will cause it to loose a lot of its nutrients? Wondering if you Could offer a deeper explanation as to why you choose to soak for so long, and any sources or personal evidence to back that up? Thanks!

    • Hello Bianca,

      Thank you for your question. The method described for soaking and the time frame is based on a combination of personal preference mixed with experience which is tempered with considerations made based on the natural variations that we have encountered with our Sea Moss over the years.

      Recently, a number of Followers on Instagram have reached out to us and sent DMs asking about their Sea Moss. In one case, this turned to mush after being in cold, filtered water for a mere 10 minutes. The point here being that there will be variations based on a number of factors.

      I’ll be doing an article on this in the coming weeks to show what types of variations can be found from one person to another with the approval of the Followers who have reached out to us.

      The information provided on our website is aligned with how our Sea Moss behaves, and the best way that we have found to work with it.

      Given that there are so many suppliers on the market, all with different processes and qualities of products, what we advise here isn’t primarily based on working with their Sea Moss. Although, it may be applicable in some cases if their product is similar to ours. We can’t speak on what has been done to other Supplier’s Sea Moss, or how it has been grown and harvested.

      Also, when it comes to preparing Sea Moss for the best results possible, this is often subjective, as it seems that everyone has their own preferred way, for their own reasons.

      We don’t boil ours as we prefer to take a raw food approach. Some people choose to boil theirs, and that’s ok if it works for them.

      We don’t use tap water as our tap water in Melbourne (Australia) has fluoride and chlorine in it. Our preference is to use alkaline water that has been filtered to extract these. Some people are ok with using water straight out of the tap.

      We’ve had better results with soaking and blending with alkaline water compared to filtered water and tap water. Again, this is just what we prefer, and there’s plenty of content on our website that support our rationale.

      As far as changes to the nutritional value based on variations of time for soaking, there’s nothing that I have been able to find where anyone has done an analysis to this level. With the high costs of testing (often in the hundreds and even thousands of dollars), and the complexity around this it’s not a surprise that there is alack of data in such a niche area.

      In this case, I’d suggest that you go with your gut, and what works for the species of sea moss you’re working with until you’re able to find categorical clarification.

      I hope that this has been helpful.

    • Hello Mectilda,

      Thank you for your question.

      I choose to discard the water I have soaked my Sea Moss in if it has a heavy beachy or salty taste to it. This can vary from one batch to the next as it is a natural marine algae (or plant, if you will) that takes on naturally occurring variations.

      When I have chosen to not use the water as a part of the food process, I have used it in a mineral salts bath as there is still a lot of value you can get here. Just tip the water into your bath, or foot spa, and enjoy!

  6. Hello,

    I soaked my sea moss overnight, about 6 hours is 8.0 ph ionized water (and about a cup of poland spring because I thought I needed more water). In the morning it was mushy. Is that okay? Ive successfuly blended and made a nice gel, but I am wondering if it is good. It seems to me that anything that comes from the sea shouldn’t become mushy in 6 hours. Please let me know what you think.

    • Thank you for your question, Cecily.

      This is something that we have been asked about when it comes to preparing sea moss and the sea moss turning to mush quickly.

      This can be the case if it is a particularly old batch of sea moss. This seemed to be the case with one of our Followers on Instagram.

      Would you mind sending some photos through to me (via the email address on our Contact Page) so I can take a look for you? What I would need to see is the dry sea moss, the soaked sea moss, the full label (including the nutritional information panel) and any other photos of the packaging that may help.

      What more are you able to tell me about how long you have had this for, it’s best before date, etc? I’ll help out where I can.

  7. Hello, I greatly appreciate the wealth of information you’ve provided. Wish I came across it before preparing mine. I saw a video on YouTube yesterday and the individual didnt soak it, he only washed it for 7 mins, then boiled it for 15 mins. I followed those steps, now I’m assuming that I now have to do the process again, is that correct? As well I kept the liquid portion and blended the sea moss into gel, are both parts usable if I choose the boiling method?

    • Hi Veronica,

      Thank you for your comment.

      There are two different schools of thought when it comes to making Sea Moss Gel. There is the cooked method, as per the YouTube recording that you watched and the raw method which we suggest. The cooked method seems to be more widely used by people in the Caribbean. If the Sea Moss is particularly grisly and thick, then it may be best to try using the cooked method to help break down the fibre.

      In our article How to Make Sea Moss Gel we explain more about the two different methods of preparing Sea Moss Gel and why we suggest the raw method. When using the raw method, soaking is needed for up to 48 hours. Rinse the Sea Moss and place it into your blender, then add a small amount of fresh filtered water to just cover the Sea Moss. You will need to blend the Sea Moss for 3 to 5 minutes until the Sea Moss has broken down into a smooth pasted. You may need to stop part way through the blending process to scrape down the walls of your blender with a spatchelar.

      Before you decant your Sea Moss Gel into a jar / container for storage, feel the texture of the Gel between your thumb and forefinger. If the texture is smooth, without any of the gritty bits. You are now ready to pour your Sea Moss Gel into your storage container.

      Keep in mind that the Sea Moss Gel will thicken in the fridge as it sets. If you feel that the Gel is too thick, add some more water to thin it out. Be careful not to add too much water as this will prevent the Gel from firming up. This is not an exact science, and every batch is a little different. The more often you make and use the Sea Moss, you will learn more about what you do or don’t like. Some people prefer the Sea Moss Gel to be firm like gelatin, where as other people prefer it to be more fluid.

  8. Can I just eat the soaked sea moss as is with lime juice? Rather than making it into a gel.

    • Hi Sheila,

      The soaked sea moss is good to eat once it has been cleaned off after soaking. This part helps to remove any leftover sand or salt that may be stuck to the sea moss.

      Topping it off with lime juice and chowing down sounds like a delicious way to enjoy fresh sea moss. Please let us know how you find the flavor and texture as a meal!

  9. I have a question what do you do with the water you soak the sea moss in? Can you use it to drink being that the sea moss was soaked in spring water or distilled water?

    • Hi Ren’a,

      You can drink the leftover water if you want to. It will contain some nutrients but I would personally not recommend it.

      The water will be quite salty in taste and there is a chance that any sand or salt that was lodged in your sea moss may be floating in the water around after the sea moss loosens up. You can strain it to remove the larger particles and still drink it if desired.

      Otherwise pouring the used water down the drain is a suitable way to dispose of it.

  10. Hello, I purchased Sea Moss and it wasn’t fully dried. It has been in the packaging for about a week during transit. Is it still good?

    I rinsed the sand off and I is now letting it dry in the sun. Is this the right thing to do or is semi dried miss okay?

    • Hi Janice,

      Thank you for your comment. It is common for dried Sea Moss to contain up to 30% moisture. The Sea Moss sweats out natural salts that help to preserve the plant and gives it longer shelf life. So, in answer to your question, yes the Sea Moss should still be good.

      There is no need to wash all of the Sea Moss at once. It is best to only wash what you plan to use and soak your Sea Moss for a couple of days before blending it into a gel.

      However, now that you have rinsed your Sea Moss with fresh water, you can allow it to sundry. As the Sea Moss sundries, more natural salts may form on the Sea Moss. Store your dried Sea Moss in the pantry in an airtight container.

  11. Hello, I purchased Sea Moss and it wasn’t fully dried. It has been in the packaging for about a week during transit. Is it still good?

    I rinsed the sand off and I is now letting it dry in the sun. Is this the right thing to do or is semi dried miss okay? DNT want to use bad. Moss

    • Hello Janice,

      Thank you for your question.

      If your sea moss isn’t fully dried there are a few things you can do if you’re not going to get through it in a month or so.

      If it is still moist you’re getting a product that really only has a higher water content, so you’re paying more for the water in it rather than getting more sea moss to the kilo (or pound). Some Sellers do this because they can get it cheaper than paying their Supplier or Farmer more for a lower moisture content.

      If it has a slightly sandy feel to it from the fine salt grains that leach out from it, this should be enough to preserve it without needing to add any more salt.

      Our sea moss is able to keep for quite a long time, even once opened, as long as it is in a dry place that has good airflow. The fridge is not an ideal place to store it unless you’ve made it into a gel.

      Rinsing your sea moss off and drying it in the sun should be fine, although rinsing it isn’t necessary. In fact, I would avoid rinsing it as you may wash off any surface salt that is helping to preserve it, naturally occurring or otherwise.

      If you notice that it starts to turn slightly grey or black, or mold starts to grow on it, don’t use it.

      If you want to add table salt to help dry it out or preserve it since you have rinsed it, this will be ok. The only challenge with ‘added salt’ is that this tends to be used when the quality of the seaweed isn’t really where it needs to be to have a good shelf life as nature intended once it has been dried.

      I hope this has been helpful.

  12. Hey! While soaking the sea moss for 2 days do I leave the bowl out in a cool place or let it soak in the refrigerator ?

    • Hello Chimere, thank you for your question.

      When preparing sea moss I choose to leave it on the bench in the kitchen. I have a spot where the sunlight can move through the room and this is in line with where I soak my sea moss. I find that there’s something magical that happens when the sun is able to come in to contact with the crystals I use in the bowl while soaking, but that’s just how I roll.

      Many of our customers choose to soak their sea moss in the refrigerator, and they have good results for what they do too. I can’t speak to how this may work with a product that has been purchased through another company.

      It is up to you when it comes to what you feel is right. We have found that it makes little difference to the soaking process as long as the seaweed is completely submerged.

      I would be keen to hear about your results and what you prefer based on the different approaches.

  13. Hi I soaked my seamoss for 24 hours and it doubled in size. Blended then put into jars but it’s still runny. Is this because I used too much water?

    • Hello Alana,

      Thank you for your question.

      When it comes to preparing sea moss gel it is better to go lightly on the water in the blending process to begin with. It’s a bit of an imperfect science. I would guess that you may have added too much water to begin with.

      However, if your sea moss has been sourced through another seller then this may be the way that species of seaweed behaves under these conditions.

      With your next batch, try adding 1/4 or 1/3 of the water and let it blend through thoroughly. You may need a silicone spatula to scrape down the edges of your blender, but that’s ok. The trick here is to blend it thoroughly to get rid of any unblended chunky bits.

      This may come out of the blender a bit thicker than your previous batch, so, let it set in the fridge and see how you go. You can always add more water after to thin it down a bit if it is too thick.

      I’m looking forward to hearing how you go with the next batch 🙂

  14. Hi So i purchased some dried sea moss and I soaked it. I only blended half of it because I didn’t know I would have so much gel. So what can I do with rest of the soaked sea moss so it doesn’t go bad?

    • Hello Jasmine,

      I would make the rest of what you have soaked into a gel too. After you have let this set in the fridge you could freeze it in smaller portions. One of our Customers prefers to make large batches of gel and freeze it in ice cube trays for quick and easy use when making smoothies.

      I prefer to keep it as fresh as possible, but that’s just me. If you try to hold on to the sea moss in the current soaked state I would not be surprised if it goes bad much quicker than if you made it into a gel instead, and then added an even longer shelf life to it by freezing it.

      The great thing about your first batch of sea moss gel is that you now have a whole new world of opportunities to use it. We’ve got some recipes that might help you.

  15. I’ve had both really thick sea moss gel and the first time I had it, it had the consistency of almost aloe vera gel. Which is better? This is my first time making the gel and I think I added too much water when blending.

    • Hello Andrea,

      Thank you for your question.

      The consistency of the gel is really a personal preference thing in my opinion. For topical use I prefer to have it more like a maple syrup type fluidity. This makes it easier to apply to my skin and spread around. Where as in the kitchen I would be going for more of a thickened cream type fluidity (if those examples help).

      If you feel like it is too runny then you’ll need to wait until your next batch when you can add less water during the blending stages. This is a bit of an imperfect science, and you’ll find that the required volume of water can change a little with each batch based on the natural variables you’ll encounter with any ocean grown seaweed.

      You can always add more water after your gel has set if it is too thick. Just make this something that you do a little bit at a time until it gets to the consistency you’re looking for.

      I did get an email today from one of our Readers who was asking about boiling her sea moss gel again (with more water) to thin it down. This could work, but when you cook things you essentially change elements within them. I choose not to boil mine when it comes to preparing Sea Moss as it doesn’t resonate with my preference to raw food cooking as much as possible.

      I hope this is helpful 🙂

  16. Once your sea moss is made and it’s not as firm as your other pass batches even after being in the frig can you reblend it. It looks like it didn’t blend as thoroughly and I recall the other batches. I remember the blender abruptly stopping but i was busy and when i gave it my attention and poured it I thought it was find. But it seems like I see small unblended particulars abd I soak my moss a day and a half. Drain that water rinse then resoak in fresh water a 3 hours. This is the first time I’ve had a problem. Can I reblend?

  17. Do you know how to make fruit infused seamoss? Say like if I wanted to do different flavors!

    • Hello Shay,

      You could try blending the Sea Moss with a fruit reduction when making a gel.

      I’m not sure what the end result is that you’re looking for here. Can you provide some more context?

  18. Can you dry out the seamoss once it has soaked? I’m try to dry it out so I can make capsules.

    • Hello Latoya,

      If you dry it out after soaking it you increase the risk of contaminants. It would be inclined to let it air dry until the moisture content is virtually zero, and then ground it for use in capsules.

      Sea Moss gel once made can be dried out, but this isn’t the easiest way to work with it.

  19. I got some dried wild crafted sea moss off of Amazon. I cleaned it and had it soaking for about an hour and my water pretty much turned to gel already so I added more water thinking I didn’t have enough and let it sit overnight and same thing. The water I used to soak it in turned to gel. Do I toss that water? Is this sea moss bad?

    • Hello Jonathan,

      We’ve heard about this happening with a few other people. One sent photos of how her Sea Moss turned into a slimey goop almost on contact with the water.

      That’s not normal. If I were in your position I wouldn’t use this.

  20. Hi, if you got a pack of sea moss, and didn’t wash it but blended as it is with other fruits. Then drank it, can you die?

    • Hey Jay,

      Thank you for your question, no one has asked that before.

      I would be really more worried about what’s in the Sea Moss than any sand, salt, or other things that you can wash off if the end result was that drastic.

      Depending on what you’re mixing it with and how clean it is originally, if you don’t wash it, you could have a gritty and salty fruit blend on your hands.

      Highly unlikely to have a fatal outcome, depending on who you serve it to though… Maybe avoid making your Sea Moss Fruit Smoothie using the ‘unwashed method’ for a celebrity chef.

    • Hi Tee,

      Given that I don’t know how much Sea Moss you have, it is hard to say exactly how much water you should you. When blending your Sea Moss start with half a cup and gradually add more water until you get the consistency that you desire.

  21. Hi I have a quick question . How long can sea moss blended with spring water and bottled last without being refrigerated ?


    • Hello Khemy,

      Thank you for your question. We’ve done quite a few different tests with various ways of making and storing gel (without any added preservatives) and temperature plays a big role. If your home is naturally cooler, you’ll have a better change of getting a longer time frame out of your gel than if it was warmer.

      There are so many factors at play here, right down to the Sea Moss itself. We found that using our preferred method that we get about 3 days in our home out of the gel before it starts to smell funny. When refrigerating it, this increases to as long as 2 to 3 weeks.

      We live in a part of Australia that is not exactly very hot (Melbourne), but our home does catch a lot of warmth from the sun and can be about 20 to 25 degrees Celsius on a sunny winter’s day, right down to 5 degrees Celsius or below if it is windy and raining. That’s just Melbourne for you though. So, shelf life for your gel in what is essentially a less (really, an uncontrolled) environment is a lot lower in our experience. As much as 90% lower.

      Using spring water (depending upon the source and the inherent minerals, may also play a part, but I am inclined to still come back to how cool the ambient room temperature is, and any fluctuations in temperature you encounter. I’d suggest refrigeration as soon as possible. This is a key reason why we don’t sell Sea Moss Gel at this stage, and provide content on how to make Sea Moss Gel from our specific Sea Moss. We know what we’re working with, and how it behaves.

  22. Hello, and thanks for all your good info! Does adding lime juice for soaking and blending harm the nutrients in Sea Moss? And can Sea Moss be mixed with carrot juice, again, with no harm to nutrients? Thanks very much!

    • Hello Scott,

      Thank you for your question and your encouraging feedback.

      Many people add lime and lemon while soaking their Sea Moss for different reasons. I’ve heard all sorts of rationale from helping to soften the Sea Moss, helping to improve iron absorption through the vitamin C, and even for the improved taste.

      On the topic of softening, the citric acid can help to do this, but the effect here can be lessened with the addition of more water. When you dilute the juice it won’t work as effectively as if it were more concentrated. As an acid, in the right concentrations, it will be activated by water. As a side note, an Alkali substance is typically neutralized by water. Acids and Alkalies sit on opposing ends of the pH Scale as you can see here.

      When it comes to improving iron absorption keep in mind that vitamin C breaks down quite quickly when exposed to air and light (sunlight in particular). So by the time you’ve made your gel and then consumed it, it is highly unlikely that there would be much value left here.

      As we provide guidance materials on how to best prepare Sea Moss purchased from us through our store, the rationale of improving the taste id lost when you discard the water. Per the instructions above, this would mean that any taste factor would be greatly diminished as a result.

      The biggest factor to harming nutrients is typically found in how the food is processed, more than what it is mixed with. The fresher you can make the mix you’re working with the better.

      Yes, there are certain factors when it comes to blending different vitamins with other vitamins, or even different minerals that may improve or alter the way these work in the body. These are too vast in number and probable combinations to go into in a simple reply here and could easily warrant their own website.

      I can’t see how there could be any harm to the nutrients in the Sea Moss or anything you mix it with as long as you’re working with the freshest sources possible. Carrot juice that has been in the fridge for a week will be a lot less nutrient dense compared to freshly juiced carrots.

      I hope that this helps you.

  23. I am wondering how safe sea moss is to ingest. How do know there are no toxins in the sea moss? That is the only thing keeping me from taking sea moss. How do I know it is safe?

    • Hello Tameka,

      That’s a very good question, and it was one of the first tings we made sure we did in testing our Sea Moss.

      We test for heavy metals, disease producing microorganisms and their toxins, and pathogens. All of that is after we have assessed the area we get our Sea Moss from.

      It’s really important that you have confidence in where you get your Sea Moss. I would also seek feedback from others who have bought through any provider. Look at the good feedback, and the not so good feedback. Not everyone will have a positive experience, and this is normal.

      I hope this helps you.

  24. My Question Is In Regards To Soaking Sea Moss. Do You Soak It In The Refrigerator Or Let It Set Out For 24-48 hrs? Also Once You Have It Transferred To Jars Do You Place The Lid On Them For The 24hrs Or Leave Them Off So They Can Breathe & Then Cover Them After The 24hr period?


    • Hello Serena,

      Thanks for your question.

      I normally leave it out on the bench to soak. The room temperature here in Melbourne, Australia is quite mild. In warmer climates the time could be shortened a little. I would not leave it in the direct sun for too long in some places.

      Once the gel has been made I cover it and then place it in the fridge. Leaving the lid off in my experience causes drying to occur on the edges of the upper level of the jar, and it increases the potential for something to accidentally end up in the jar.

      I hope this helps you.

  25. I just want to say that you answer all these questions with such ingenuity….
    ….that’s all.

    • Hey Charity,

      Thank you so much for your kind feedback!

      All we are trying to do is bring the best that we can to a topic that we love and want to share with others. It is always rewarding to read comments like yours.

  26. I bought Irish seamoss at a local Caribbean store and I’m now not sure if it’s real from reading so many things online. It smells like it is but I’m still not sure.

    • Hello Mony,

      If I were in your shoes I’d check out feedback online for the brand you have.

      It’s hard to say if it is or isn’t; I can’t speak for other companies produce. I can only speak about our Sea Moss.

      Can you go into some more detail about why you have concerns with the Sea Moss you bought from the local Caribbean store?

  27. Awesome awesome information, I would love to link your website to mine for my customers to get the benefits if the research and work you put into it.

    Something i have done with my sea moss is infused it while soaking and during the blend was added a tea of Bladderwick, Burdock, ginger, beet and turmeric tea. This is the liquid my moss soak in after the cleaning process. When you eat it you don’t even taste the moss you get a party of ginger. Its very very good, my goal is to add even more benefits to this good food.

    What are your thoughts?

    • Thank you for your kind words, Marsha.

      We try to bring as much value as we can and do so without running any ads on our website. The only way we are able to keep doing the research we do is through our Readers and Customers buying our products. Anything that helps the wider community grow is a good thing in my opinion.

      I love what you are doing there, and the blends you have shared sound yummy! Infusing while soaking should increase the uptake of what you are working on including in the flavour, however, you may find that the end result isn’t as concentrated or ‘intense’ as if the flavour you are seeking is added later in the process.

      Ginger is so good! I really like the warm tang or burn (called Kwesta in South Africa) that you get from a good ginger root. It’s very refreshing.

      I would be keen to hear more about what you are doing!

  28. Hi, I made seamoss but I added too much water and its runny now, set it in the fridge but still runny so it hasn’t set as a gel, can I still use this or have all the nutrients gone?

    • Hello Nazai,

      I think it is safe to say that you can still use this. The nutrients won’t be gone, maybe just a little more spread out due to the water content, but not in any real consequential way unless you’ve made gallons of gel using a large volume of water.

  29. I personally like mind a little more fluid because believe it mixes easier. However, either way it’s fine.

    • Hi Andrea,

      Thank you for your feedback!

      I’m of the same mind as you. A more fluid Sea Moss gel is much more suitable for mixing into foods and beverages.

      I find having a thicker gel is great for topical use on my skin, but not as great to mix into my morning coffee.

  30. Thank you for all your comments and sharing your knowledge. Can I use water from our reverse osmosis filter to wash and soak ?

    • Hi Sara,

      Reverse osmosis water would be suitable to use for washing and soaking Sea Moss. As long as your filter removes harmful chemicals such as chlorine you shouldn’t have any issues.

      Personally, I use a benchtop model for purified and alkalized water and have had no problems in my 2+ years soaking and consuming Sea Moss.

      Hope this helps!

  31. Hello i bought sea moss, washed well then soaked overnight, however on blending it it couldn’t gel compeletly and had a very strong fishy smell, it was very had to take it, my question since i have some remaining can i wash soak overnight then boil it? av seen people on youtube saying the boiled one doesn’t have a taste. Your response will be highly appreciated

    • Hello Chepkorir,

      Thank you for your question and adding to the conversation. This is great to see as it also helps others learn from your experience!

      I assume that the Sea Moss you bought wasn’t purchased through our website because I can’t remember having seen your name on out orders recently. As a result I’m not sure what species of seaweed (out of the 35,000+ known species to date) you’ve been provided here, and I can’t say that the preparation process we use for our Sea Moss is suitable. The same point goes for the fishy smell you describe.

      If you haven’t been able to get it to gel completely, I would suggest using a scraper or spatula to help get any chunks in the blender down to the blades. Otherwise, if you choose to boil it, then give that a shot. Cooking will speed up the process of breaking down the structure of the seaweed, but it also changes the nutritional values.

      If you do find that boiling it changes the smell or reduces it, please let us know as I haven’t encountered this, and a lot of the research we have done to look for credible refences for claim made by YouTubers turn up few reliable results. Keep in mind here too that you may have a different species, and product of different origin (right down to the specific part of the ocean) to what other people are using and talking about.

      I hope this helps you.

  32. Hi, made it for the first time soak it in a Mason jar for 3 days than rinsed with spring water used a hand mixer with remaining water from the soak .. still has lumps

    • Hello Rosalind,

      Thank you for sharing your experience. This is great as it helps other learn while on their journey too!

      The best way to deal with the lumps is to keep blending until they are all gone. Some blenders will need a little help as the blades might not move the Sea Moss around enough.

      We find that with our blender (just a standard benchtop unit that is in the mid range – nothing super expensive) we sometimes need to use a scraper to push the partially blended Sea Moss down and give it another zap. After a little while this usually does the job.

      Some of our Friends and Customers have much higher quality blenders that work really well as the blades have a better ability to get a vortex going. We’ve reached the point where our blender needs replacing, so we’re going to upgrade.

      What we have been told by a lot of people is that the bullet type blenders can work well if you given them a shake while blending. I’d suggest that you check the Manufacturer’s instructions before doing this though.

      I hope this helps you.

  33. Hey so with my first batch of seamoss I did not rinse it before soaking it in spring water, should I throw it out or would it still be safe to use for a gel?

    • Hello Travis,

      Thank you for your question.

      I know how exciting it is the first time you make your own gel. I rushed in and didn’t wash mine before soaking when I first made it way back when.

      Depending on how dirty the water has become after soaking, and how fragile the Sea Moss has become, you may be able to wash off anything that you don’t like the look of.

      As far as if it safe to use in the way you have described, I can’t speak for other businesses that sell Sea Moss and what goes on behind the scenes, so I’m sorry I can’t really answer that for you. See, some source their products from places where there are issues with the cleanliness of the water, while others might have challenges with how they process it before they package it. So, I can’t put my hand on my heart and give you an honest answer to your question here.

      Maybe check the packaging or their website again for further information or instructions, or even ask them if they believe it will be a problem.

      I hope this helps you.

  34. Do you have any tips for flavoring the sea moss when blending? I purchased a dragonfruit seamoss gel from a local shop and my kids loved it

    • Hello Krystal,

      Thank you for your question. The biggest difference between plain Sea Moss Gel and fruit infused is that the final gel isn’t straight Sea Moss. It includes some fruit, in your case Dragon Fruit, with pitted Medjool dates used to add sweetness. You could use Maple Syrup or Agave Nectar if you don’t like dates. I wouldn’t suggest using Lakanto though. We have recently found that this can cause your gel to react.

      There is a fine line between a smoothie and a fruit infused gel. Too much fruit, and you’re in smoothie territory. How much fruit to use can be a case by case situation depending on how intense the taste of the fruit is. Add a little and test it, if you think it needs more then add a little more and test it again.

      The easiest way to do this is to blend your Sea Moss with a little water at first, just enough to get it going, not too much as the fruit is likely to help add some fluidity. Then add the fruit slowly, checking the taste as you go. Once you’ve found the right taste, store the blend like any other Sea Moss Gel, and you’re all set.

      I hope this helps you.

  35. Hi, I soaked 30g dried moss and it yielded 200g rehydrated how much water do you recommend blending it with?


    • Impressive yield, Lex!

      I would start with adding just enough water to get it to blend, that may be 100ml depending on the performance of your blender. The great thing is you can always thin it down – it’s challenging taking out water you decide you don’t need after the fact once you start blending. See how that goes and work with the viscosity that you feel is right for your needs. Thicker gels are good for raw food recipes as a thickener, thinner gels mix through liquids much easier.

      I hope that helps you.

    • G’day Zak,

      I have had 1oz soak up as much as an additional 1 to 1.75oz in water weight in the past. The best results I’ve had are with water that has an alkaline pH.

      I hope that helps you.

  36. Hi, I don’t know what to do, on the sea moss I bought the instructions are to clean then soak for 20 minutes, then rinse and soak for another 20 minutes. Then put in a saucepan cover with water and cook for 12-15 minutes. Then blend.
    My question is should I make it using the instructions or should I make it your way.

    Thank you

    • Hello Julie,

      Thank you for your question. This is one that come sup often.

      If you bought your Sea Moss through our website then I would suggest that you follow our instructions as this is specific to the species of seaweed we provide.

      Other sellers may be providing different species of seaweed as Sea Moss and these may behave very differently and require a different approach. As I cannot speak for who it is that you bought through, and what it is they have sold you, I cannot be certain I’ll be giving you advise that will work with their product.

      You could test both methods on a little of their Sea Moss and see which method you feel works best.

      I hope this helps you.

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About the Author

Matthew has been on an active journey towards living a healthy life from a young age. Influenced by his Grandmother, a practicing Naturopath who served her community from the 1940's to the 1980's, his views on living holistically were shaped from a young age. Growing up in different parts of Australia, his connection with the Ocean and a passion for sustainability comes through in everything he does and shares.

"I'm not a Doctor, and I don't play one on the Internet." - me

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