10 Amazing Benefits of Seamoss Gel and Whole leaf Seaweed

Irish Seamoss has so many wonderful benefits that they can’t all be listed in one article. So, we’ve narrowed it down and I’m excited to unveil my top 10 benefits of Seamoss.

We consume Irish Seamoss regularly, and after extensive research, I believe that anyone with a heartbeat should give it a go.

“God made Seamoss and it does everything”

Dr Sebi

What are the Benefits of Seamoss?

As we look at the benefits of seamoss, we need to keep in mind that it has been used for centuries in traditional medicine and is believed to have a number of potential health benefits. Some of the potential benefits of Seamoss have been researched to include:

  • Boosting the immune system
    • It contains a number of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, that may help to support the immune system.
  • Reducing anti-inflammatory effects
    • It contains compounds that may help to reduce inflammation in the body.
  • Providing antiviral properties
    • Some studies have suggested that it may have antiviral properties, which may make it useful in fighting off infections.
  • Possessing antioxidant effects
    • It contains antioxidants, which are compounds that help to protect the body’s cells from damage caused by free radicals.
  • Regulating thyroid function
    • It is a rich source of iodine, which is important for proper thyroid function.

It’s important to note that the evidence for the potential health benefits of Seamoss is a mixture of researched and anecdotal. Where there has been research completed, there is a need for more research to ascertain the full extent of the claims behind this seaweed.

In this benefits of seamoss article, we provide you with the links to the research papers from which we draw our summations. Please note, that as with any supplement, it’s important to speak with your trusted Doctor or Dietitian before making it a part of your routine.

What are the Top 10 Benefits of Seamoss?

As we walk through the top 10 benefits of Seamoss, I would like to invite you to keep in mind that seaweed is an important food source for several reasons. It is:

  • Nutrient-dense
    • Seaweed is a good source of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and protein. It is particularly rich in iodine, which is important for thyroid function, and in certain types of omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for heart health.
  • Sustainable
    • Seaweed is an abundant and sustainable resource that can be grown without the use of pesticides or fertilizers. It also has a low environmental impact, as it absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as it grows.
  • Versatile
    • Seaweed can be used in a variety of dishes, from soups and salads to sushi and snack foods. It has a unique, umami flavor that adds depth to dishes.
  • Good for the environment
    • Seaweed farming can help to restore damaged marine ecosystems and improve water quality. It can also provide an alternative source of income for coastal communities.

Overall, seaweed is a nutritious and sustainable food that can be incorporated into a healthy diet in a variety of exciting and simple ways. Let’s consider the benefits of Seamoss!

1. Seamoss is Understood to Contain 92 Trace Minerals

Various studies show the number of minerals and trace elements in the human body numbers as much as 102. However, some believe that this is 103.

Regardless of where the number sits, it is popularly believed that this seaweed holds a staggering 92 minerals and trace elements that are found in the human body. There’s a clear reason why this is regarded as number one in the benefits of Seamoss list.

If you follow us on Instagram you’ll understand why I strongly agree with the recommendations in the Nutritional Health Guide. This advises that we should be eating a rainbow of foods to get the vitamins and minerals we need. 1

But, understandably, that’s not as easy for some as it may sound with at times limited access to such a variety of whole foods. And this is where Sea Moss comes in.

Imagine a single whole food that is naturally packed with a mineral punch like no other. That’s what you’re getting here in this one marine vegetable. Almost every mineral and more that you’ll require for optimal nutritional support and better health.

Now, you could argue that you can take a mineral supplement. And if this is your preference, that’s fine. However, I would suggest that you consider the mineral sources in these supplements.

Often these are likely to have varying impacts on the body because they aren’t from where they should be. That is to say that they aren’t organic (sometimes referred to as being soluble) compounds. They are sometimes mineralised compounds.

Take for example the silver content in Seamoss in the form of nanoparticles. 2

This is a form of silver that can assimilate into the human body. The alternative is colloidal silver, which is widely accepted as being good for you.

Do your research here; colloidal silver is an inorganic form of silver and is not good for you in the long run.

Colloidal silver is made from a metallic form of silver that has been diluted and suspended in distilled water in an emulsion-like state. Tiny silver particles are broken down from the source rods into the water.

This mineralised form of silver has been found to cause more harm than good when overconsumed. It damages the liver and kidneys as it builds up over time. It also debilitates the blood and progressively breaks the immune system down.

Being a metal it can also interfere with lymphatic functions. The same can be said for other mineralised (insoluble or non-hygroscopic) compounds such as iron in certain states.

Iron, for example, in its mineralised (inorganic) insoluble compound form as ferric hydroxide (iron hydroxide) or ferric oxide (iron oxide) wreaks havoc on the body. 3 4

Excessive amounts of ferrous sulfate (as derived from the oxide state of iron) or iron phosphate (iron, phosphorus, and oxygen) can cause complications where the body can be bound up, and result in problems such as astringency in the intestines. 5 6

But iron in its organified (soluble) form as iron fluorine (as a combination of iron Fe(III) ions and fluorine that occurs in high concentration in marine plants) can work effectively in the body.

Seamoss has non-heme iron, potassium iodide, potassium phosphate, magnesium, and calcium which strengthen bones (along with 16 known amino acids that stimulate collagen production and health), and it can assimilate with the human body. 7 8 9 10

Nonheme iron from plant-based sources, like Seamoss, benefits the human body in this way. And this is just one of the minerals in this seaweed. Suffice it to say that it is loaded with nutrients that are very beneficial to the body and is a great food source.

By having a whole food source of minerals you are more likely to keep illness at bay.

When you get right down to it, the disease is little more than the result of a disconnection from what is given to us in nature. So to combat or reverse symptoms related to disease we would be wise to make whole foods a bigger part of our routine.

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2. Eating Seamoss Helps to Promote a Healthy Thyroid

In multiple articles here we have touched upon the topic of a healthy functioning thyroid.

Your thyroid gland has what is best described as a butterfly shape to it. It is found at the base of the throat. This gland has a very important part to play when it comes to the management of hormones.

The two main hormones the thyroid is responsible for managing are Thyroxine and Triiodothyronine. These are constructed with 3 or 4 iodine atoms per molecule. 11

The iodine from seaweed is critical in helping to support effective thyroid function.

It is in the mixing of iodine which had been absorbed by the thyroid with tyrosine (amino acid) that makes Thyroxine and Triiodothyronine. The thyroids are responsible for supporting and maintaining healthy and effective function in the:

  • Digestive system
  • Heart
  • Cholesterol levels
  • Brain, mood, and hormone balance
  • Bones
  • Muscle control
  • Reproductive organs
  • Nervous system, and
  • Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), also known as Metabolism.

A healthy functioning thyroid is also necessary for the development of unborn children and is linked to weight management. When your thyroid is not supported there is the risk of hypothyroidism (an under-active thyroid) or hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid).

Thyroid disorders that are left untreated can develop into more complicated issues including autoimmune diseases. If you hadn’t guessed, in most cases where people suffer from thyroid problems these are typically connected to an iodine deficiency.

It is in the iodine content found in this seaweed that there is a solution. The benefits of Seamoss being a part of your daily diet will do much to support having a healthy and functioning thyroid. This is key to improving your overall health.

Like all other medical-related information we discuss here, you must seek advice from your trusted Doctor or Dietitian before making any changes. If you believe that your thyroid function may not be healthy, seek advice for your specific circumstances.

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3. Eating Seaweed Supports a Healthy Heart

Did you know that one of the biggest benefits of Seamoss is that it is a reliable source of vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids? A short list of these includes:

  • Folic acid
  • Potassium
  • Vitamin D
  • Magnesium, and
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids.

That’s just a peek at the powerhouse that Seamoss is when it comes to supporting heart health. With a consistent supply of these, you could notice effects such as:

  • The boosting of blood flow and improved circulation, which helps to control and regulate blood pressure
  • Building stronger blood vessels and greatly slowing their deterioration
  • Increasing oxygen saturation in the blood is critical for a healthy body all around
  • Reducing the build-up of bad cholesterol that results in the blood vessels being clogged with flow-choking fatty linings, and
  • Fighting free radicals through strong antioxidant properties helps to prevent organ oxidization.

All key components to the reduction of the risks associated with heart disease.

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4. Seamoss is Great for Supporting Healthy Immune System Functions

Your immune system requires more than just vitamins and minerals to be effectively supported. One of the other amazing benefits of Seamoss is what it brings to help do this through the properties it has in being:

  • Antiviral
  • Antibacterial
  • Antimicrobial
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anticoagulant, and
  • Probiotic.

The probiotic properties of this seaweed are great for gut health, which in turn contributes to supporting a healthy immune system.

If you are struggling with an illness the anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties are likely to help with a quick recovery.

It also fights infection and has a long history of doing this.

Matthew’s Grandmother would prescribe Seamoss to her Patients when she was a practicing Naturopath. Even back in the 1940’s she knew about the benefits of Seamoss.

The Irish did this hundreds of years ago. This is where the cough syrup ‘Irish Moss’ originally came from.

Even way back then they understood the antiviral, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties of this marine vegetable. Who else right now is thinking of what Hypocrites said?

“Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food”


Used to help with treating sore throats, chest coughs, tuberculosis, bronchial infections, and pneumonia, the benefits of Seamoss are an unquestionable go-to for many. In the past, I’ve doubled down on my dosage if I felt like my throat was a bit scratchy after a flight, and it’s helped immensely.

I now load up beforehand and have found that I don’t suffer from the coughs and sniffles of others on the plane afterward. On top of these benefits of Seamoss, it is also great at expelling mucus. By clearing this gunk out of your system you’ll begin to feel better much more quickly.

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5. Promoting Good Digestion with Seamoss

When I first started using Sea Moss Gel I had underestimated the value of its properties. Very soon into my journey the benefit of Seamoss being a part of my diet was made known to me in my:

  • Improved digestion
  • Reduction of foggy brain
  • Better sleeping
  • Easier and more regular bowel movements
  • Feeling more energetic, and
  • Feeling lighter and cleaner.

How this works is that this seaweed helps by lining the digestive system (the intestine) with prebiotics.

This is going to sound a little ‘off’ for some people, so I apologize in advance, however, you need to know this.

When you first start using it you may feel like you could poop yourself at times. This is not going to happen if you’ve had a bowel movement before bed. This sensation passes after a couple of nights.

The best way I can describe what is going on here is that the mucilaginous properties of the seaweed give the bowels a slippery, almost soapy lining. This soft jelly-like texture helps any excrement moving through your body to pass easily.

The anti-inflammatory properties are great for an irritated bowel and help to heal gut-related issues. Swelling, inflammation, and discomfort have been reported to greatly reduce when it is regularly consumed.

This is great news for those who suffer from leaky gut, ulcers, gastritis, indigestion, and constipation. Being a prebiotic, this addition to the benefits of Seamoss helps to support good gut bacteria thrive as it makes for a great food source. Containing an abundance of insoluble fiber it supports a healthy digestive function.

Great for detoxing by way of a form of Chelation therapy, it is also very effective at drawing out toxins and heavy metals. It’s a great compliment to a fasting protocol. 12 13

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6. Seamoss Helps to Improve Your Metabolism

Metabolism is a chemical reaction that happens within the body. This is the process of breaking down foods and distributing of nutrients to the cells. Your metabolism converts food into energy and distributes the nutrients to the cells. The cells then use the nutrients as building blocks.

It then distributes the vitamins and minerals to the cells to help the body function efficiently. This includes the anatomy of the body’s respiratory, reproductive, peripheral nervous, and central nervous systems, regulating blood flow, and organ function. Another one of the amazing benefits of Seamoss.

After the metabolic process has distributed all the useful nutrients to the cells, then it converts the remaining or excess food into waste for elimination. As mentioned in how the benefits of Seamoss support the thyroid, it also plays a part in the BMR which affects how well the body processes calories, which ultimately impacts an individual’s weight.

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7. Seamoss Helps Maintain a Healthy Weight

With the improvement to the metabolism, also comes healthy weight management. Fucoxanthin naturally occurs in some seaweeds. It is an organic pigment called carotenoid. The naturally derived plant-based Fucoxanthin prevents the growth of fatty tissues and reduces abdominal fat.

More research is being done to investigate the fat-burning properties of Fucoxanthin found in seaweed. It is believed that Fucoxanthin by way of inhibiting lipid accumulation may help combat obesity. 14

Fucoxanthin is another one of the dimensions of the benefits of Seamoss.

Additionally, it is an appetite suppressant and makes you feel fuller for longer. Due to the high mineral content, you may find that you won’t be eating as much food.

A lower calorie intake ultimately leads to weight loss. It may also help to reduce or even eliminate cravings for processed foods, trans (bad) fats, sweet foods, and caffeine.

With that in mind, if you continue to consume foods and beverages which have been processed, and are high in trans fats and sugar, you are less likely to lose weight because of these choices.

The best method for weight loss is consuming a whole food plant-based diet and increasing your physical activity.

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8. Seamoss for Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails

Your skin is the body’s largest organ, so let’s show it some love. The skin is also what is visible to the outside world and we want our skin to look its best. Right?

Question: If you can’t eat it, why would you put it on your skin?

I have been using this gel as part of my skincare regime and I love it. Ever wondered how to make a super luxurious Sea Moss Gel facemask? It’s so easy… Just add a few drops of essential oils to the Irish Moss Gel.

I have noticed an improvement in my complexion, fewer blemishes, a reduction in fine lines and my skin tone looks much more even. I now receive regular compliments from colleagues, friends, and family on how good my skin looks.

The best topical application for the whole body could be an Irish Moss bath if you want to splash out on yourself. Run a bath to the desired temperature, and add a generous amount of Irish Moss Gel with essential oils if desired.

This is great for all kinds of skin conditions. It’s suitable for sensitive skin types, sunburn, acne, eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis. The skin will absorb all the nutritional benefits of Seamoss that the skin needs and start to work its magic.

As a drawing agent, the Seamoss draws out toxins and replenishes them with good minerals. The antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral, and anti-inflammation properties all play their part in healing the skin naturally. No need for scientifically formulated concoctions, just Mother Natures Ocean-made love.

Full of minerals, vitamins, and amino acids it will also help strengthen the connective tissues in hair and nails. When you are eating seaweed every day, the minerals are absorbed from the inside out.

All these benefits go towards enhancing the extracellular matrix so your skin will look and feel younger and more vibrant. This also does wonders to help strengthen your hair and nails too.

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9. Is Sea Moss Good for a Post-Workout Recovery?

Seamoss is made up of collagen-stimulating constituents including as many as 16 amino acids, vitamins, and minerals which help to support the strengthening and repairing of connective tissue. The anti-inflammatory properties of this seaweed help as another one of the great benefits of Seamoss. The body recovers quickly after a workout with this source of natural power.

No matter what your fitness level is, from beginner to professional athlete, Irish moss provides many benefits. It is a great addition to your post work out recovery to replace the minerals that you need to perform your activities.

If you experience joint and or muscle pain, it also has the potential to provide relief and lubricate the joints. 15

From a fitness perspective, being on a plant-based diet does not mean that you’ll be some scrawny ten-pound weakling.

Seamoss is a great addition to any Vegan diet and can help you on your journey to health, wellness, and getting ripped – if that’s your thing.

Dr. Nun Amen Ra, Nate Diaz and Vegan Muscle Man holding strong man poses

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10. Libido function

As we’ve already discussed, the primary benefits of Seamoss are due to all the minerals and nutrients it contains. Zinc is one of the minerals recommended for a healthy reproductive system. 16

It helps promote healthy libido and stimulation. Irish Seamoss provides what is needed to support healthy blood circulation through the body, which in turn improves stamina.

For men who have difficulty in this department, anecdotal recommendations talk about consuming Seamoss regularly to start increasing the nutrients in your body, and removing excess mucus.

Apparently, Seamoss has been used by some men in conjunction with other herbal remedies and a change in diet to treat erectile dysfunction and impotency.

Please note that diet is only part of the solution. If you experience erectile dysfunction or impotency you will need to speak with a specialist and ask about cleansing your body of impurities.

The impurities that accumulate in the body come from excessive stress, poor eating habits, and lack of exercise.

Detoxify the body starting with the digestive system. Start eliminating processed, animal-based products from your diet. Fasting is the quickest way to eliminate toxins from your body and then start eating more whole plant-based foods that are alkalizing.

For women who experience discomfort or pain during intercourse, this can be very off-putting and cause a lack of desire at the thought of intimacy. Sometimes this is caused by dryness of the vagina, bacteria, urinary tract infection (UTI), or fungal infection.

Consuming antibiotics kills all bacteria in the body, so often when women take antibiotics it causes thrush due to a lack of lubrication and good healthy bacteria.

I would recommend that you speak with your Gynecologist before using a douching kit to cleanse the vagina and then replenish the natural vaginal flora.

Talk with them about potentially adding some Tea Tree (Melaleuca) Oil and dissolving a little Seamoss gel in some warm water and then using the douch kit to clean inside the vagina. If it were me, I would rather consume Irish Seamoss every day to replenish the minerals and nutrients in my body.

Another of the benefits of Seamoss in this area is that it is antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory. It will help to remove irritation, cleanse the area and add good bacteria to the area.

From a health perspective, it has been reported by many to have the same benefits of enhancing the libido function, and improving stamina and circulation which are all good for the reproductive system.

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Added Bonus in the list of the Benefits of Seamoss

11. Alkalizing Health Benefits of Sea Moss

Irish Seamoss is an electric food known to have alkalizing properties. An alkaline diet consists of whole plant-based foods that increase the oxygen content in the body.

Our bodies are naturally on the alkaline side of neutral, but if the food you’re consuming is highly acidic forming, then the body is likely to become more acidic. According to many experts, this is when diseases start to form in the body. 17

We choose to make our Irish Seamoss Gel with alkaline water which we consider being a part of an alkaline healing protocol.

On a separate note, if you use powdered seaweed, the flavor can be very strong and unpleasant. Also, it is often irradiated and or baked in the processing. This is why we prefer to use the whole food variety and blend it into a gel before applying it topically or adding the gel to food and beverages.

Irish Seamoss Gel, once prepared properly, has almost no flavor, and apart from the texture you probably wouldn’t even know it was in your food.

Some Seamoss gel batches may have a slight odor, depending upon how much attention has been paid to the cleaning stages in preparation, which reminds me of the sea. It should be used within 2 weeks of making the gel. You’ll notice that the smell becomes a little stronger the older the gel is.

Many people who come here are looking for tips and info about Sea Moss Gel. Although we don’t make Sea Moss Gel for sale, we do make our own for personal use.

This can be time-consuming for some people who need a quicker option. For that, there are plenty of places you’ll be able to pick yours up. If you’ve been using Sea Moss for a while, we would love to know what are the benefits of Seamoss that you have experienced. Please, share your thoughts with us on Instagram and Pinterest.

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Some of the common questions we get asked about the benefits of Seamoss and what it is good for include:

What is Seamoss good for?

Sea Moss is good for a wide range of things from supporting gut health, making your skin, hair, and nails look and feel healthier, controlling appetite, and more. In this article, we look at the top 10 benefits of Seamoss. Considering the Sea Moss benefits and side effects from a balanced perspective is important.

Most people find they have lots to say about their Sea Moss Gel benefits for the skin when used as a topical application.

Can you take Seamoss every day?

Yes. You can take Sea Moss every day. The benefits of Sea Moss for men and women as communicated online in many cases are anecdotal. However, we do point to specific studies and research papers that look at the application of Sea Moss in certain situations.

What happens if you take Seamoss everyday?

Taking Sea Moss every day can help with improving things like digestion, supporting skin health, iron levels, thyroid function, weight management, and more. The scope of what you can expect from making this an everyday thing

What is the downside to taking Seamoss?

There may be some Sea Moss side effects that you experience like the laxative effect that some people may experience, right through to conflicts with heart and blood medication due to the natural anticoagulant properties of Sea Moss.

Something else that is important to consider when weighing up the benefits of Seamoss Gel is if you have an allergy to shellfish or seafood. If you do, it may be worth avoiding making this a part of your day until you get more clarity.

How is Seamoss good for women?

As most women make a gel out of the whole leaf Sea Moss we provide, the benefits of Sea Moss Gel they make are one and the same as if the seaweed was consumed whole with the topical application being the exception.

Many of our Female Customers and Community Members rave about how they feel about Sea Moss being a part of their day. From looking and feeling younger, right through to eliminating foggy brain. Their accounts based on their experiences are something we are consistently blown away by.

Does Seamoss detox your body?

The high insoluble fiber contents, such as long-chain polysaccharides, in this seaweed, help to provide the body with what it needs to get things moving out of your digestive system. This plays a part in supporting detoxification.

How the benefits of Seamoss also support detoxing through the protective effect that it has where antioxidant properties of specific value.

What about Seamoss supplements?

Care needs to be taken when considering supplements as it is much harder to tell what is going on. Fillers and other additives are far too easy to add to the mix when compared to working with the whole raw seaweed yourself. Through maintaining control of the processes you will have a much better idea of what is going on and enjoy the full benefits of Seamoss.


The benefits of Seamoss are incredibly diverse and make it a valuable addition to anyone’s health and wellness routine. From supporting thyroid function to improving gut health, and metabolism, and maintaining a healthy weight, the benefits of Seamoss can have a significant impact on overall well-being.

Additionally, Seamoss has been shown to promote healthy hair, skin, and nails, further enhancing its value as a natural supplement.

Furthermore, Seamoss can aid in post-workout recovery, supporting a faster return to physical activity, and its potential effects on libido function and reproductive health make it a natural choice for individuals looking to improve their overall quality of life.

With alkalizing properties, the benefits of Seamoss can also help create an optimal environment for maintaining good health. Incorporating Seamoss into your daily routine can provide a wide range of advantages that promote overall health and wellness.

As more people turn to natural alternatives for their health needs, the benefits of Seamoss continue to be explored and appreciated. With such an array of potential benefits, it’s no wonder that Seamoss is gaining popularity as a powerful supplement that can enhance well-being from the inside out.

Ultimately, the benefits of Seamoss make it a versatile and valuable addition to any health-focused lifestyle. As research continues to uncover even more potential advantages, Seamoss is sure to remain a popular choice for those seeking a natural, nutrient-rich supplement with far-reaching benefits.

Join the conversation on Instagram and Pinterest and share your thoughts on the benefits of Seamoss!


  1. “Nutrient Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand Including Recommended Dietary Intakes” – Australian Government, Department of Health and Aging, 2006 [NHMRC] [Archive] ↩︎
  2. “Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using Kappaphycus Alvarezii Extract” – R. Permana, A. Andhikawati, January 2021 [Global Scientific Journal] [Archive] ↩︎
  3. “Iron hydroxide (Fe(OH)3)” – PubChem, 27 March 2005 [NIH] [Archive] ↩︎
  4. “Hazardous Substance Face Sheet – Iron Oxide” – New Jersey Department of Health, August 1998 [New Jersey Department of Health] [Archive] ↩︎
  5. “Ferrous Sulfate Tablet, Delayed Release (Enteric Coated) – Uses, Side Effects, and More” – WebMD Staff, 28 August 2017 [WebMD] [Archive] ↩︎
  6. “Iron Phosphate – General Fact Sheet” – K. Buhl, C. Bond, D. Stone, April 2013 [NPIC] [Archive] ↩︎
  7. “Iron in Foods” – HealthLink British Columbia Staff, 25 March 2022 [HealthLink BC] [Archive] ↩︎
  8. “How the wrong dietary fat can wreck your health” – J. Mercola, 18 December 2022 [Mercola] ↩︎
  9. “Potassium Phosphate” – Everyday Health Staff, 4 November 2020 [Everyday Health] [Archive] ↩︎
  10. “Magnesium Fact Sheet for Health Professionals” – NIH Staff, 2 June 2022 [NIH] [Archive] ↩︎
  11. “Thyroid Hormone” – Cleveland Clinic Staff, 15 February 2022 [Cleveland Clinic] [Archive] ↩︎
  12. “The effects of Eucheuma cottonii on sperm quality and tissue leadlevel in rats exposed to lead nitrate” – D. Daud, M. D. Nawi, A. Ismail, A. Tawang, 2015 [ResearchGate] [Archive 1] [Archive 2] ↩︎
  13. “Chelation: Harnessing and Enhancing Heavy Metal Detoxification – A Review” – M. E. Sears, 18 April 2013 [PubMed] [Archive] ↩︎
  14. “Fucoidan from Marine Brown Algae Inhibits Lipid Accumulation” – M. K. Park, U. Jung, C. Roh, 6 July 2011 [MDPI] [Archive] ↩︎
  15. “A dietary polysaccharide from Eucheuma cottonii downregulates proinflammatory cytokines and ameliorates osteoarthritis-associated cartilage degradation in obese rats” – S. Sudirman, H. W. Chang, C. K. Chen, Z. L. Kong, September 2019 [PubMed] [Archive] ↩︎
  16. “Zinc is an Essential Element for Male Fertility: A Review of Zn Roles in Men’s Health, Germination, Sperm Quality, and Fertilization” – A. Fallah, A. M. Hasani, A. H. Colagar, April 2018 [PubMed] [Archive] ↩︎
  17. “Acidosis” – J. L. Lewis III, July 2021 [MSD] [Archive] ↩︎

Last Updated on 5 months by D&C Editorial Team

60 thoughts on “10 Amazing Benefits of Seamoss Gel and Whole leaf Seaweed”

  1. Hi. I suffered with Leaky Gut and found that eating seamoss did wonders for me. The benefits that I got from eating seamoss helped me to feel like I got my life back. Living with Leaky Gut was the worst (for me). But now I’m feeling amazing 🙂

    • Hello Tina,

      Thank you for your question. It is one that I have been asked about a number of times before. What I have found it that when you take a look at the evidence, it begins to become quite clear that Colloidal Silver isn’t the best way for us to get the silver we need into our bodies. I’m not sure which part of the article you believe is based on false information so I’ll go through the points individually and the basis that these statements were made on.

      Statement 1 – Colloidal Silver is an inorganic form of silver… The manufacture of Colloidal Silver, even in the home based units, requires tiny silver rods or wires. By running an electrical current through these wires or rods, the process of converting the silver from the state that you can see it in (being the rods or the wires) to a suspended state in the water (typically being between 5 nanometers and 80 nanometers) begins. It takes some time for the process to complete and the silver to become suspended (in an emulsion like state) within the liquid.

      Statement 2 – …and is not good for you in the long run. The accumulation of mineralised silver has been directly connected to excessive exposure to the mineral (elemental form) of silver, and silver dust resulting in Argyria. Taking too much silver (or too much of anything else for that matter) is not always a good thing. There is a risk of accumulation of mineral elements (in this case we are talking about silver) occurring in various parts of the body. This can result in a number of complications beyond Argyria.

      Statement 3 – It damages the liver and kidneys as it builds up over time. Research completed by Man C. Fung & Debra L. Bowen of the Center of Drug Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration (Rockville, Maryland) has identified that there are potential toxicity risks, and a lack of effectiveness with the use of Colloidal Silver. It was found that Colloidal Silver administered to rats (FYI – we’re not pro animal testing) had resulted in structural changes to the kidney, liver and spleen. As a result of this controlled test, safe doses were calculated to be no more than 1.0 milligram per kilogram of the subject’s body weight based on silver.

      Statement 4 – It also debilitates the blood… Permissible Exposure Limits set by the Mine Safety and Health Administration, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration were set much lower than those in the aforementioned study. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health had determined that this is set at no higher than 0.01 milligrams of silver per cubic meter for all forms of silver. Adverse side effects cited included changes in blood cells, irritation of the skin, eyes, intestinal tract, and the respiratory system to name a few from this report. After silver is ingested, or absorbed by the body, it makes it’s way to the bloodstream where it is transported throughout the body. Given that blood typically contains chloride to around 3,900 parts per million and silver ions react when they come into contact with chloride, this was identified as a factor in the changes seen within the blood.

      Statement 5 – …and progressively breaks the immune system down. Interactions between silver particles and the immune system have been linked to cytotoxicity and immunogenecity across an broad range of nanoparticles. Concerns around exposure and the impact on the immune system have found that there are definite changes to how the immune system functions. According to the source, this is not to be interpreted as a positive immune system response. In other points made above there were references to occupational exposure levels in the cited sources. More and more sources of research are showing that through consuming colloidal substances the comparative levels are much higher. I can’t help but question that if it is unsafe to work in environments with lower levels, why would you choose to consume higher levels? The views of Doctor Andrew Weil is that we should be looking to fruits and vegetables for minerals rather than colloidal substances. He references the potential for experiencing neurological problems when taking oral silver products over the long term.

      There is a lot of discussion and study around the topic of Colloidal Silver, and more research is needed in this area (and many others) of medicine. A hot topic, the branding of Silver Colloids as a collective group is becoming murkier by the day due to marketing initiatives and the money to be made through the industry.

      My preference is to source silver from plants that are known to contain it in a form that is not derived from rods or wires. We don’t pick up chunks of metal and eat them, so breaking these down into an emulsion to then consume them isn’t something I choose to do. Your choices and preferences are just that, and we are happy to discuss points of interest that our readers can get value from.

      Silver has played a valuable part in society and been believed to have had benefits for thousands of years, but the advent of Colloidal Silver is something comparatively newer than silver cutlery, coins, flasks and the like. The question of safety and consuming Colloidal Silver attracts passionate supporters and equally passionate detractors, this is why I suggest that you do your own research.

    • Hello Loriedee,

      Thank you for your question. There has been some research done on the effects of long chain polysaccharides found in various species of seaweeds. We touched on this in an article about some of the benefits of seamoss, specifically around looking at leaky gut. What I found that was really interesting while researching this was the prebiotic effect that these long chain polysaccharides were reported to have in the gut.

      The key thing to keep in mind with answering your question is that we’re not Doctors. Please keep in mind that we don’t know every dimension of your circumstances, and we’re not qualified to provide medical advice. If you are suffering from a case of leaky gut that is causing you serious concern, I would suggest that you get some professional support and find out as much as you can about the options ahead of you. One thing that I can guarantee is that you’ll never learn less!

      A part of the challenge with leaky gut is that is can filter in to so many other parts of your life. Experiencing foggy brain is certainly one of them.

      Have you noticed if any specific types of food trigger a more acute reaction for you? It may be worth keeping a food diary and logging what you eat at different times and how you feel afterwards. This could be very helpful in honing in on the root cause.

      Many cases of leaky gut are the result of highly processed foods, so moving away from these, and making raw foods a progressive part of your diet could help. It’s worth keeping in ind that in some cases of severe leaky gut that you might not be able to handle these types of foods right off the bat. You could find that your body needs time to heal so it can process these better.

      We have some close friends who have expressed their opinion on healing leaky gut with seamoss being a part of their strategy. For them, the benefits of seamoss have been something of a blessing.

      I hope that this helps you.

  2. I’m impressed by the wonders of seamoss. I’ve been using colloidal silver for +_ 2months nd i pray that it hasn’t cause any harm to my body. Thanks for the information

    • Hello Thelma,

      It’s great to hear you are happy with the benefits you’re seeing in seamoss. We love it!

      As far as the colloidal silver goes, your body is an amazing thing and it will be able to recover from a short period of taking colloidal silver.

      When we provided the content we have here our intention was not to bad mouth colloidal silver at all. We just find that we’re happier with an organic source of silver that come wrapped up in seamoss.

      I’m glad you’re taking steps to explore the information that there is about this. Applied knowledge is power, and we wish you all the more power, and amazing health!

    • Hello Deeba,

      Thank you for your question. As you will see from the previous replies, I need to clearly inform you that I’m not a medical Doctor, and I’m not qualified to assess or diagnose heart related complications.

      However, there is a lot of research being done in the space where plant derived polyphenols are being assessed for their effectiveness at addressing a range of complications around heart disease. The National Center for Biotechnology Information shares some interesting findings about using various agents from seaweed to prevent cardiovascular disease. These provide some hope as outlined in the conclusion of the report that through supplementing a diet with certain macroalgae there can be benefits from seaweeds like seamoss.

      It is important to note that this report does not look specifically to Chondrus Crispus, but mainly to Himanthalia Elongate (Sea Spaghetti or Thongweed), Porphyra Umbilicalis (which can be mistaken by some for Chondrus Crispus), Undaria Pinnatifida (Wakame), Laminaria Japonica (Kombu), Palmaria Palmata (Dulse), Ascophyllum Nodosum, Ecklonia Cava, Hizikia Fusiforme (Hijiki), Ulva Pertusa, and Gracilaria Changii among others.

      I bring this point to your attention as the term ‘seamoss’ is loosely applied to a range of seaweeds and has seen a shift in accuracy as it has moved around the world. The type of seamoss we carry is Kappaphycus Alvarezii, which is the type that Sebi is holding in one of his videos that has a twig like appearance to it.

      Studies on the effects of Kappaphycus Alvarezii on hypertension provides some interesting findings.

      More research is needed in how we can effectively apply seaweed in our everyday lives.

      One thing to consider is the inconsistency in the presence of active agents, minerals, vitamins, etc. found in any seaweed. This can change based on seasons, water temperatures, water turbidity and so much more. It would be a wise move to speak with your trusted specialist before seeking to take a particular course of action. Ask them about the benefits of a plant based diet and good nutrition for overall health.

      If they struggle with the concept and label it as ‘extreme’ to look at plant based foods rather than animal based and ask you where you will get your protein, go in prepared and have a list of foods that are plant based which have high protein levels, and also understand the protein RDI.

      It has been my experience that this is where the conversation tends to go with most people in the medical industry. That’s ok, they just don’t have the depth of education on nutrition that would support providing advice on that level. Speak with a Nutritionist to get a better understanding as they have a much better foundation.


      I hope that this has been helpful for you.

    • Hello Jennifer,

      Thank you for your question.

      Please keep in mind that I’m not a Doctor, and if you are seeking to use seamoss to replace medication that it is advisable that you speak with a professional first.

      According to the research on the effects of specific species of seamoss on hypertension and hyperlidemia, the presence of polysaccharides, including potassium alginate, have been found to prevent the body from absorbing calcium and sodium ions in the intestine.

      There may be benefits for those suffering from hypertension as a result of dietary changes outlined in this study. It is also worth keeping in mind that if you are on medication for a condition like this, making changes like adding seaweed to your diet if it hasn’t featured previously, could conflict with the medication. It is worth speaking with your trusted Doctor about this first.

      I hope this helps.

  3. Hi. Will seamoss help with hormonal imbalance and female reproductive organ issues in women such as PCOS? If so,how? Thanks!

    • Hello Pamela,

      Thanks for asking such an important question.

      First, I’d like to highlight that I’m not a Doctor and I’m not authorised to provide medical advice. Your situation will be too specific for me to provide a targeted response to. However, I am happy to share the learnings with you that I’ve had on my journey with seamoss.

      Personally, I’ve never been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), but a close friend of mine is dealing with PCOS and has turned to seamoss as a means to help her deal with this issue.

      She avoids a range of foods, particularly ones like soy and tofu because it is understood that this can cause considerable issues when you have PCOS.

      She’s still very early into her seamoss journey and working on a natural solution to her PCOS. What she has shared with me about this is that she found out that seamoss may be able to help her through the minerals it brings. Currently, she is taking about 2 tablespoons a day, and has been doing so for about 4 weeks now.

      When I shared your question with her, this is what she had to say:

      “It depends what kind of PCOS symptoms she (Pamela) is having because everyone is different. For me, my regularity returned with the introduction of turmeric tea. I was still getting a lot of ovulation pain however.”

      “I’ve only just started using seamoss religiously every day in the last month or so, but I’ve noticed that the ovulation pain I’ve been getting has dulled down and I haven’t noticed it at all.”

      “My suggestion would be to tell her that you’ve seen some improvement in myself after introducing it to a daily diet and suggest she trial it and see if it helps.”

      With that advice shared from my friend, I would suggest that you first speak with your Doctor about what you want to try so they can provide you with tailored advice. They can take into account any other medication you may be on, and any potential conflict that might occur.

      This response to your question is by no means in any form a type of instruction to make seamoss a part of your treatment strategy. It may help you, but it may not. And this depends completely on your circumstances.

      If you do decide to add seamoss to your routine, it would be wise to keep a journal of what foods you are taking it with, how much you are having and how often, how it makes you feel, the changes you notice, and anything else that might help your Doctor when you revisit them.

      If you notice anything that doesn’t seem right, stop immediately and take your journal with you when you go to see your Doctor so they have a clearer idea on what has been going on.

      I would also find out how much your Doctor knows about nutrition as many don’t have a strong foundation of knowledge in this area. It may be worth speaking with a Dietitian or a Nutritionist also. They will be able to provide you with a perspective that your Doctor might not have.

      I hope that this has helped you in some way. There are some really good PCOS Groups on Facebook my friend has mentioned that might be worth looking into.

  4. Hello… How much Seamoss should I be taking daily… To notice any results or anything

    • Hello Mann,

      That’s a good question, and thank you for asking it.

      It depends on what you want to see from taking seamoss gel, or even seamoss as a wholefood (it’s a very interesting salad if you want to try – I’ll share an image below).

      I’ve found that a topical application of gel has, over a few weeks, reduced the appearance of fine lines, acne, dull skin and the like. This is normally about 1 tablespoon that is smothered on and used as an overnight mask. Yes, i’ll sleep with it on.

      I personally noticed changes in my body when I started making seamoss a regular part of my day. I was only using about 4 to 6 tablespoons of gel a day in different things. This made me feel changes like increased energy, better alertness, better sleep, and easier pooping (sounds a bit strange I know – but be ready for things to move with more ease than before).

      Now I use three to four times that much. I’m feeling like a 500g jar between me and my wife is about right for us.

      Your purpose for consuming seamoss may be very different to mine, and the noticeable effects will be measured in parallel to this.

      If you’re just starting off I would suggest that you do your research first (which it looks like you are – well done!), and find out if this is right for you. You don’t want it to conflict with anything else you’re doing or taking. It’s advisable to get some advice.

      If you are ready to jump in to the world of seaweed, start small at first, and keep a journal of how you feel, how much you use, what you notice. If you feel that its right for you to increase or decrease the amount, then do what you feel you need.

      I know that this might sound like a bit of a wishy-washy cop out reply to your question, but there are so many variables. And at the end of the day, you’ve gotta do what’s right for you.

  5. Thank you for the informative article. Is it advisable to mix seamoss gel with fresh orange juice or could this have side effects since orange is acidic?

    • Hello Ann,

      Thank you for your kind feedback and your valuable question. I mix my seamoss gel with different juices quite often (It’s also great in coffee with coconut cream – my guilty pleasure).

      The iron in the seamoss is more effectively absorbed by the body when it is taken with Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), so this is a good move. Although oranges have citric acid in them, they have an alkalizing effect in the body when digested.

      We have an article here that goes deeper into the Story Behind Alkaline Diet Benefits that looks as the resultant pH of foods in the gut. We also created this infographic that you might find helpful:

    • Hello Sam, thank you for your question.

      I can’t say I’ve heard of anyone attempting to tighten their labia minora with Sea Moss Gel. There are various tightening serums on the market which may be more suited to this, but I can’t speak of any personal experience with these products.

      Many of these are very ‘oil’ based with various essential oils that have some amazing healing properties. They tend to be more targeted at addressing dryness more than firmness. Of course, you would always check he ingredients meet what you need to be comfortable, regardless of the reviews they might have.

      Given that there are so many businesses and individuals selling sea moss online (and quite a few who have not addressed various food based regulatory requirements too), I would be very careful with using any sea moss for this type of application. As much as the benefits of Sea Moss include it being anti fungal and antiviral, it may not be the best option for what you want.

      I can’t provide you with any advice that suggests that Sea Moss could give you this type of tightening result. But if you find that it does, you may be on to a whole new thing for women around the world!

      When it comes to the firming effect that I can speak of from personal experience, I use sea moss gel as a topical application on other areas of my body and find that it is very firming. Whether this translates to having similar results with the labia minora, I can’t say.

      If this is something that you are desperately looking for a solution to, I would speak with a specialist about it due to the sensitivity of the area.

    • Hi Alyssa,

      Thank you for your question. Seaweeds has been consumed by many Asian cultures for their health and therapeutic properties for generations.

      Type II Diabetes is a lifestyle disease which as been associated to an unhealthy diet, and a sedentary lifestyle. There is hope that Type II Diabetes can be managed and in some cases reversed by making lifestyle changes. Consuming seaweed provides beneficial nutrients and fibre that may help with intestinal absorption of glucose and insulin response.

      Based on my research, I believe that Sea Moss may be beneficial for Type II Diabetes. This is the Sea Moss that I use.

      I would also encourage you to find any resources by Cyrus Khambatta, PhD and Robby Barbaro, MPH. They are the founders of Mastering Diabetes and have personal experience living with Type I Diabetes. You might also be interested in looking into Cyrus and Robby’s whole-food nutrition coaching program that teaches people how to reverse insulin resistance.

  6. Hi I’ve been taking Sea Moss For three day after extensive research. I have notice several changes but the biggest is my eye sight. I’ve been wearing glasses since the 4th grade and as I’ve gotten older my prescription keeps changing. I always keep old glasses. Since taking Sea Moss my vision is getting better. I pulled out a pair of old glasses With a older prescription in them and I could see out of them. I was so excited. I’m a vegetarian on my way to becoming a vegan. #irishmoss

    • Hi Charlene, What a fantastic testimony. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. All the best with your Health journey.

  7. I’m glad Charlene mentioned how it helped her eye sight cause I too noticed my eye sight was better but wondered if it was my imagination. So good to hear I wasn’t the only one noticing better eye site. I stopped sea moss for several months. I been on the computer a lot which has not been good for my eyes. I’m looking forward to taking sea moss again and love the energy it gives me.

    • Wow! Thank you for adding your voice to the comments, Cat.

      That is amazing news, and really good to hear as a supporting voice of experience for Charlene’s validation too.

      I’m so happy to hear about the positive results had by others here. This is certainly one of the more recent and surprising benefits of Seamoss that we have had shared in the last few months.

      All the best with your Health journey too 🙂

    • Hi Angela,

      Thank you for your question.

      A research article that was published on March 2020 explains the effects of Eucheuma Cottonii on arthritic mice. A treatment with Sea Moss extract demonstrated a significant reduction in the inflammation indicators. The conclusion of the study indicates that Eucheuma Cottonii shows it has the potential to reduce the inflammatory response caused by arthritis.

  8. I suffer from planter fasciitis and upper back pain as well as menopause symptoms and was wondering if Seamoss would help alleviate or cure the symptoms

    • Hi Nyani,

      Thank you for your message. I am sorry to hear that you have been experiencing pain and discomfort. Unfortunately, we cannot provide medical advice as we are not medical professionals.

      Might I suggest for your planter fasciitis that you make an appointment with a Podiatrist to discuss treatment options. This may be able to assist with your back pain. Alternatively, you could discuss this with your medical practitioner. Or if you’re more like me you could go to a local Chinese Medicine Doctor so that they can look at the whole body to identify a holistic approach.

      The National Institutes of Health has published an article about the nutritional benefits of edible seaweed for premenopausal women. I expect that the health benefits from sea vegetables would apply to menopausal women as well. You can learn more about the benefits of eating seaweed everyday.

      This is the Sea Moss that we use.

  9. Where can I purchase the seamoss to make the gel? I use the capsule. Is this good for low iron?

    • Hello Gloria,

      We’re going to go deeper into the use of Sea Moss Powder compared to whole Sea Moss for making gel soon (stay tuned). As far as making Sea Moss Gel using the instructions we have here, you can do this with the Sea Moss we sell 🙂

      As far as low iron goes, it depends on the product you’re getting and what nutritional value it has. Particularly if it has been processed, there may be very different values compared to the whole raw dried Sea Moss.

    • Hello Sergio,

      Thanks for your question. This is something that really needs a consultation with someone who can accurately assess your dietary requirements face to face.

      However, what I can do is tell you what I’m doing. This is from a point of sharing and not advising; I can’t give you the advice you’re looking.

      At the moment I’m making a batch of gel every 4 days using about 2 to 3 ounces of dried sea moss. This is coming out as about 500ml (approx 16 fluid ounces). I’ll get through this using it in drinks, smoothies, and adding it to different meals.

      I’ve seen people use a whole pound bag in a blender to make a smoothie for two people. Personally, I think that’s a lot, and some Dietitians would say there’s too much mineral density for the body to process.

      Some things our body can pass out what it doesn’t need when there’s too much (vitamin C for example) and others it can’t (iodine for example). So I choose to take it from a more sparing perspective compared to those who consume a pound in one smoothie.

      You can also use the whole seaweed in soups and salads. One of our Customers likes to use it in stirfrys. You’ll figure out what works best for you.

      Be adventurous. Too many people stick with making gel and smoothies. Sea Moss can be used in so many ways. Even topically!

      I hope this helps.

    • Hello Andrea,

      Thank you for your question.

      From what I understand, there could be an issue, but it’s also hard to say given there are very likely other complications beyond the lupus nephritis alone.

      As this involves the kidneys it is necessary to assess how much more stress the presence of salts from the Sea Moss is likely to have, as much as any kind of salt.

      Sea Moss isn’t likely to address the broad scope of needs that someone with lupus nephritis has from the research I’ve done. This is largely due to the complications arising from the underlying causes. However, more vegetables, even those from the sea in moderation, tend to support a healthier diet.

      There may be some value derived from the iodine content, but this is something that anyone with these types of complications would need to speak with a specialist about.

      I hope that this has been helpful. If you discover something that you feel is worth sharing, please let us know as a lot of other people will get value from it too.

      Take care!

  10. Great article! Would you recommend we not take any other supplements when eating sea moss? For example I take a multi vitamin/ mineral, D3, probiotics, and fish oil. Does the sea moss have enough of these things by itself? Also, do you have to use the gel in your smoothies or can you use the dried sea moss? Thanks!

    • Hello Luna,

      Thank you for your question and you kind feedback.

      As far as what you need the nutritional values from supplements for, I can’t speak to each case, and yours is going to be very specific in nature where my response is at best general.

      Also, I can’t speak to your specific set of circumstances and needs when it comes to nutrition, and would advise you seek out a Nutritionist in your area and arrange a consult with them.

      For me, I haven’t taken a multivitamin or mineral supplements for years now. I’ve found that Sea Moss for me has left me feeling like those previous gaps I was using supplements for has been filled.

      That, and I also make sure that I get a good range of plant based foods in my meals that are from either organic growers, or from the little vegetable garden we have in our back yard.

      One of our Customers has shared with us her journey of getting off a whole range of things to cope with depression as a part of her choosing to go for more natural options. She attributes much of her feeling better to having made Sea Moss a part of her life.

      Now, I can’t say that what she has experienced is exclusively the result of Sea Moss as she also began using Shungite, took all animal products out of her home (including cosmetics), and focused on meditation as a way to help her calm the noise around her.

      She raves about our Sea Moss, and we get a lot of referrals as a result, for which we are very grateful on many levels. In particular, we’re so happy to see that she is living what she feels is a more complete life.

      This was so amazing to see happen for her! So, it’s not so much a silver bullet situation as a complete approach to things, as you’ve more than likely guessed is our take on things from the content we have here.

      With oils, typically for the omega aspects, I find that I’m getting more value out of the nuts and hemp seeds that make up a part of my various meals. We at times use a high quality cold pressed hemp seed oil that is made by Hemple.

      This is more aligned with my values to have a plant based option over fish oils. Granted, you may not be able to get Hemple where you live, but there are lots of other options for Hemp Seed Oil on Amazon and other places.

      As far as adding the dried Sea Moss to your smoothies, rather than making a gel, you could do this. However, I would wash and soak the Sea Moss as a part of the preparation first. Just throwing in a chunk of dried Sea Moss is going to mean that you’ll have big, possibly sandy, pieces of Sea Moss in your smoothie. Ant it won’t be so smooth as a result.

      I hope this helps you.

  11. Greetings. Great informative article. Thank you and I will be looking forward to getting this product based upon your article.

  12. Hello I enjoyed reading your article and I look forward to using Seamoss. I am a 39yr old healthy woman. No health issues, no addictions, nothing. I however would like to transition to a plant based diet. Right now I eat meat and lots of vegetables. Do you have any suggestions to how I can rid my body of animal foods quickly and if a Seamoss fast with just water for at least 7-30 days is all I need to do or would taking other herbal supplements with Seamoss is more effective to detox my body? No more eating animals I am totally done with it and look forward to a more happier journey.

    • Hi Michelle,

      Glad to hear you got value from our information, your feedback is appreciated!

      If you are planning to do a fast I would recommend checking out our Fasting and Furious section of our website as an extended fast requires preparation.

      Your body will naturally detoxify itself when you switch out animal foods over a period of time. Using fasting can be beneficial to clean your insides out quicker than this natural process. Be wary, however, as long term fasts (over 3 days) can be dangerous and detrimental for your health if done incorrectly. Even though you are a healthy individual, I would still check in with your health professional before commencing a long term fast. In the meantime, doing a shorter fast (24 hours) or intermittent fasting may be an easier start.

      Alternatively, if you know a good naturopath they should be able to advise of a suitable detox for your body. My naturopath recently recommended a magnesium cleanse based on my body, however, this is not suited for everyone. We do have some information on detoxes such as a Bentonite Clay detox or an Epsom Salts Gallbladder detox for your reference.

      Hope this helps!

  13. Hi thank you for the information. But I would like to know if seamoss can help reduce the heavy flow of ones monthly period. Can it?

    • Hi Pearl, Thank you for your question.

      Firstly, we are not medical professionals and cannot consult you on your personal health concerns. Please contact your Holistic Health Care Professional for personal advice.

      Neal Barnard, MD, the New York Times bestselling author of Your Body in Balance, speaks about how foods can positively or negatively affect a women’s menstrual cycles. What he suggests is that when we eliminate animal products (meat, dairy and eggs) and minimise oil consumption (avoid oily dressing, fried and/or processed foods, and reduce consumption of nuts, seeds and avocado). Essentially a whole food plant based lifestyle. The experience of the menstrual cycle improves.


      Neal Barnard, MD mentions a study published in the journal of obstetrics and gynaecology that concluded that the severity of PMS symptoms including pain intensity reduced, bloating, blood flow and water retention diminished.

      What are whole plant based foods? Beans, lentils, legumes, grains, fruits, vegetables (including sea vegetables – seaweed, and algae) and a small amount of nuts, and seeds. You can swap out your dairy milk with plant based alternatives like soy, almond, oat etc. Additionally, contrary to popular belief, Soy products such as soy mylk, tempe, tofu and miso.


    • Hello Faith,

      Thank you for your question and adding to the conversation. Please note that this is in no way intended to be interpreted as any form of medical advice.

      Recent studies have looked at comparing the effects of Sea Moss on burn wounds with other controls such as organic honey and povidone-iodine. These yielded some very interesting results.

      The reason why I bring this up is that povidone-iodine is highly regarded as being very effective in wound healing. The application of seaweed based dressings on wounds after surgery have helped with the quick healing and had better results than the long trusted povidone-iodine.

      Scientific data on the effect of Sea Moss on varicose vein appearance and pain is quite limited, and more study in this area is needed. The application of Sea Moss Gel on the affected areas may help, but to what extent is difficult to say. There may be some benefit derived from the anti-inflammatory properties found in Sea Moss.

      It would be good to see progressive photos of an area of varicose vein treated with a topical application of Sea Moss Gel over a number of months. This could be quite interesting.

      I don’t doubt that may of our Readers would be keen to hear about your progress and results in this area should you choose to try it.

    • Hi Joyce,

      Thank you for your feedback!

      We’re glad you found the information you were looking for.

  14. It’s good to know that sea moss has probiotic properties that help promote good digestion. My daughter, Ymir, has been having diarrhea for the past two days. I read that probiotics help treat and prevent diarrhea, so perhaps it would be a good idea to purchase some sea moss supplements. Thanks for this.

  15. Can you take sea moss hell if you are on medication for type 2 diabetes I am on metformin.
    Thank you.

    • Hello Anastasia,

      Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, I won’t e able to provide you with a response that has any real value outside of suggesting that you ask your Doctor.

      As there are more than 50 different types of medication for Type 2 Diabetes, I can’t say conclusively if there are any potential interactions between the specific medication you are on and the wide range of considerations connected to this through Sea Moss.

      I would be happy to take a closer look if I knew more specific information, however, none of this is medical advice. Simply research.

    • Hello Mikey,

      Thank you for your question and giving us the chance to provide you with a response. In short, I would suggest you speak with your Doctor or Dietitian first.

      I took the time to go into this in more detail in an article looking at Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and Sea Moss.

      I hope this helps you.

  16. Hello, I have struggled with bad yeast infection for a while now. I began taking probiotics and noticed I have less odor and no itching. But once I miss one day of taking my probiotic, the symptoms start to return just within a day!

    I had surgery about 3 years ago and was on antibiotics for a few days. I wish I was more wise then about how antibiotics affect your gut, and the chances of recurring yeast infection in women. Ever since surgery I’ve had it on and off.

    I don’t want to need probiotics for the rest of my life, I would rather use them as an option.

    It’s affected my relationship and is embarrassing for me sometimes when I refuse sex to my husband because of the odor. I often make him wait until the odor is clear.

    What would you suggest?
    Will sea moss help my gut start to reproduce its own flora that I am clearly not making enough of on my own?

    Please, I would gratefully appreciate your advice. Thanks!

    • Hello Zainab,

      Thank you for sharing your experience and being so open and honest. I’m confident that others will feel that they have a sense of comfort in knowing that they are not alone in experiencing what you have described.

      Please note however that I can’t offer medical advice as I’m not a Doctor, and this response is not provided as medical advice. I would suggest that you seek specific support from a trusted Gynaecologist and Nutritionist.

      You’re right about how some people can be affected by antibiotics. These can take a significant toll on your health, and replenishing the right kind of good bacteria can be challenging.

      The reason I suggest seeing a Nutritionist is that they may be able to help identify other triggers that cause problems for you, like certain foods, drinks, or lifestyle stressors.

      Make a diary of what you eat and drink for a couple of weeks, including what activities you are doing during this time (e.g. types of exercise, like running or swimming, any sexual activity, hours being worked and type of work you do, etc.). This type of information will help paint a picture for them about what you are exposed to, and it may help uncover causes that you haven’t considered before.

      I’m a little confused as to the origin of your yeast infection as it sounds like it could be connected to gut health in your closing comment, but I’m assuming that from the opening of your comment that it is more of a vaginal health question. This is something that you’ll need to be clear on when you speak with the Gynaecologist and Nutritionist.

      Sea Moss certainly can help with the prebiotic element of gut health. As a long chain polysaccharide it has shown under a range of studies to be very effective at supporting good gut health through providing a food source for the good gut bacteria you have.

      If you need to improve your gut flora (probiotics) then it may be worth talking with a professional about how to improve your microbiome from this perspective.

      I hope this helps you.

  17. I started taking seamoss, 1 tbs a day and have noticed my back and knee pain has gone! Some days I could barely climb the stairs and I jogged up the stairs the other day🙂

    • Wow! That’s amazing, Shannan. Certainly an impressive result for you and we’re so glad you feel happy to share this!

    • Hello Happy,

      That’s a really good question.

      The challenge with Sea Moss powder is that there are processes used to sterilise it and remove microorganisms which include irradiating the product with gamma rays or microwaves (see Patent Application https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/c2/0a/64/0ca965194df054/EP3542646A1.pdf).

      As much as some people may claim that they can get the same end result with a powder, I would argue that based on the processing they really aren’t likely to. Also, in my experience, if you want to make a gel to use in different recipes (we use our Sea Moss to make a plant based thickening gel instead of animal based gelatin) it doesn’t behave the same way as making your own gel with Sea Moss from scratch.

      At the end of the day the choice is up to you.

      I hope this helps you.

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About the Author

Christine has long been on the path to optimal health. With a history of weight loss coaching she is driven by a passion for nutrition, health and wellness. Having grown up in Africa before migrating to New Zealand, and then Australia, she has seen very strong contrasts in quality of life and is driven to help others understand the importance of taking a holistic approach to life.

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