A Useful Vegan Intermittent Fasting Plan

Although they are two different types of healthy living, there is a way to combine and create a useful Vegan intermittent fasting plan. But first, we will need to break down each type of healthy living, as they are two different approaches to a better you!

I Just Want the Vegan Intermittent Fasting Plan

If you want to skip straight to the Vegan Intermittent Fasting Plan, then click here to get the fasting plan.

If you want to find out a bit more before diving in, let me elaborate on a few points for you. The fasting plan will be waiting at the bottom of this article for you.

A quick description of each first. A Vegan is a person who refrains from eating any animal products, either the meat or the byproduct such as eggs and cheese.

Did you know that for the really staunch Vegan even honey is off limits? Intermittent fasting is abstaining from consuming any calories for a period of time.

Let’s start with intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting has become popular of late for its multitude of health benefits. It may come as a surprise that eating less can actually lead to better health.

Thanks to effective marketing from major food suppliers, we have been lead to believe in myths that are proving to not be true:

  1. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A healthy start to the day starts the metabolism early and leads to higher rates of burning fat.
  2. Eating smaller but more frequent meals will keep your metabolism burning all day, increasing the rate your body will burn fat.

While your metabolism may be working harder, you may actually be doing more damage than good to your body.

A recent study on flies, who have very similar gut bacteria to humans has shown that fasting activates a genetic switch. This switch (or gene) has a number of effects on flies:

  • An increased overall lifespan if fasting is done in early life
  • A mildly increased lifespan if started in early adulthood
  • Higher resistance to starvation

The additional conclusion of this study was that fasting can be highly effective against age-related diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.

There is also another benefit to fasting!

To turn food into energy, our body requires energy to break down the food into a usable fuel source. Fasting gives your digestive system a break from the energy-using process of digesting food.

While this break is occurring, a few things happen to the rest of your body.

Your body will be able to divert the energy normally spent processing food and use it elsewhere in the body. This may be in areas such as repair or maintenance, or even boosting immunity. It gives your body a chance to utilise the “quiet time” to fix up some of the issues it may be facing.

As a part of the repair and maintenance, your body will also use this time to clean up your digestive tract. While your body is good at cleaning up itself, you can assist it further with the right foods and fluids.

Drinking plenty of water is key to any fasting plan. If you want to assist your body in the process, you can do detoxes alongside your fast. Detoxes such as bentonite clay or juice fasting can be an effective way to assist in flushing out any toxins in your digestive tract.

Overall, the body will also have reduced inflammation. This is due to less toxicity for your body to deal with, and due to less energy being spent within the body while in a fasted state.

If you are thinking of trying fasting, do two things.

  • Firstly check in with your health care professional to see if fasting is suitable for you. There are certain illnesses which will lead to further issues if you fast.
  • Secondly, educate yourself about fasting, you can do so through our comprehensive guide on fasting!

That’s great and all, but where is the connection between Veganism and Intermittent Fasting?

Here at Detox & Cure, we have come up with a Vegan Intermittent Fasting Plan. But why do we need a Vegan plan if we plan on intermittent fasting?

Well, the answer is simple. When we fast, we allow our body to clean and repair itself. Once our body has rid itself of toxins, the last thing you want to do is re-feed it with poor-quality foods.

A Vegan diet, with little to no processed foods, can keep the body clean after the detoxification is complete. Provided you eat a proper Vegan diet with a wide variety and quantity of nutrients, you can refuel your body and minimize toxins in your system.

So where is the Useful Vegan Intermittent Fasting Plan?

While we would love to write out a plan, we are not qualified nutritionists. Instead, we are providing a free template to set up your fasting schedule, and leaving room for you to fill in the blanks.

We have a comprehensive guide on what kinds of Vegan foods that are very suitable for fasting. They are classified under our Vegan ketosis foods section, as foods high in fats leave you feeling fuller for longer.

This is very useful for someone who is fasting, as it helps them to feel fuller during the fasting part of the cycle.

Alternatively, Onnit has a detailed list of what foods you can eat on a Vegan keto diet. 1

The difficulty in combining the two is trying to ensuring two things within your eating window:

  1. You are consuming enough calories
  2. You are getting enough minerals and nutrients from the food

Combining fasting with a Vegan diet is not a passive diet to maintain. It requires you to be active in your management of food consumption to ensure you are eating enough.

Eating a Vegan diet requires you to be conscious of what you are eating to avoid animal products. Fasting requires you to only consume calories between certain periods. For the normal person, this will generally mean eating less overall calories for the day.

This is why it is so vital that your meals in your eating window are not only full of nutrients and minerals. They also need to contain a high number of calories to ensure your body doesn’t run a severe calorie deficit.

If you are serious about trying intermittent fasting in combination with a Vegan diet it may be best to see a nutritionist. They will be able to build an eating plan that will ensure you get the required minerals and energy during your eating window.

How can I get the template?

The template is designed for someone who is looking to incorporate a 16:8 or similar fasting pattern (16 hours fasting, 8 hours eating window).

To get the template, all you need to do is click on the link below and follow the steps on the next page. We will then email out to you your downloadable copy of the template with instructions on how to use it!

Get Your FREE Intermittent Fasting Template Now!

Have you done a Vegan-based fast before? Let us know in a comment below how you felt and what your biggest challenges were!


  1. “The Complete Vegan Keto Diet and Food List” – A. Heffernan, 13 January 2020 [Onit Labs] [Archive] ↩︎

Last Updated on 4 months by D&C Editorial Team

About the Author

Luke has a background in bodybuilding and martial arts. His fitness focus drove his interest in health. After learning about what a plant based diet can offer he began to transition from a carnivorous diet to one that comprised of more plants and wholefoods. A devotee of clean drinking water, and clean eating, Luke is on a life long path to fulfillment and understanding.

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